Dr Zeno Leoni
Lecturer in the Defence Studies Department
- Affiliate of the Lau China Institute
Research interests
- Security
Dr Zeno Leoni is a Lecturer in ‘Defence Studies’ at the Defence Studies Department of King’s College London, based within the Joint Services and Staff College (JSCSC) of the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom. He is also an affiliate to the Lau China Institute of King's College London, where he is co-convenor of the same institute’s policy brief series named China in the World.
His research focuses in US and Chinese grand strategies, US-China relations, AUKUS, and world order; he published two books on this topic and is currently writing a third book on the new Cold War. Furthermore, he leads a research group on middlepowermanship, with the aim of studying how different middle powers – Brazil, Republic of Korea, UAE, Indonesia, the EU, and many others – are managing competition between great powers at a time of changing world order.
Dr Leoni works to engage policy-makers in Italy and the UK. Between 2020 and 2022 he supported Italian Joint Chiefs of Defence Staff to write Italy’s first civil-military-produced Future Trends Concept 2040+ document, analysing geopolitical, technological, environmental, and economic trends. In the UK he contributes to several discussions happening across different agencies of the UK Government and embassies of different countries.
At the Joint Services and Staff College he teaches courses on China for the Higher Command and Staff Course (HCSC), whose members come from Five Eyes (FVEY) countries and have the rank of General or equivalent. Meanwhile, every year in Rome he delivers a guest lecture at the Italian Defence Higher Studies Institute (IASD), Italy’s premier defence education institution.
His analyses appeared on British, Italian, and international prominent media, such as the Financial Times, The Guardian, BBC News, The Independent, The Telegraph, The Times, Corriere della Sera, Rai Radio 1, Limes, The Times, Al Jazeera, South China Morning Post, France24, Tagesspiegel, NBC News, Voice of America, Radio Študent among others.
Zeno is the Executive Director of ITSS Verona (International Team for the Study of Security Verona), a not-for-profit cultural association committed to spreading knowledge in the broadly conceived field of International Security.
Research Interests
- Middlepowermanship
- US-China relations
- UK-China relations
- US grand strategy
- Chinese grand strategy
- Globalization theory
- Empire, Imperialism, World Order
- Crisis of the Liberal International Order
- Rising China (Higher Command and Staff Course)
- International Security Studies (Advanced Command and Staff Course)
- Airpower (Intermediate Offer Development, Royal Air Force)
- International Political Economy (online)
Parliamentary evidence
Julu 11, 2023 – Oral evidence to the Business and Trade Committee of the UK Parliament on AUKUS and the inclusion of the UK into the “domestic source” clause of the US Defence Production Act. https://www.parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/7d21b4f7-d5d2-4018-8557-1b9599dd768b
May 2023 – ‘Aukus e la corsa al riarmo sottomarino nell’Indo-Pacifico’, in F. Fasulo (ed.) Focus Cina e Indo-Pacifico – Parlamento Italiano & Ministero degli Affari Esteri. n. 2, May. https://www.parlamento.it/application/xmanager/projects/parlamento/file/repository/affariinternazionali/osservatorio/focus/PI0002ISPICIP.pdf
April 2022 – Trade Committee - UK trade negotiations: CPTPP accession. Evidence submitted by Zeno Leoni and Raimondo Neironi. https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/108171/pdf/
March 15, 2022 – Defence Committee - UK Defence and the Indo-Pacific. Evidence submitted by Zeno Leoni on AUKUS. March 15, 2022.
- A New Cold War? US-China Relations in the 21st Century [forthcoming in 2024]
- Grand Strategy and Rising China: Made in USA. Newcastle (UK): Agenda Publishing (2023; distributed by Columbia University Press in the US)
- American Grand Strategy from Obama to Trump: Imperialism After Bush and China’s Hegemonic Challenge. Cham (Switzerland): Springernature, 2021
- ‘The economy-security conundrum in American grand strategy: foreign economic policy towards China from Obama to Biden’, China International Strategy Review, 2022, Vol. 4, pp. 320–334.
- ‘The End of the “Golden Era”? The Conundrum of Britain’s China Policy Amidst Sino-American Relations’, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 2022, Vol 51, Issue 2, pp. 313–326.
- ‘Capitalist Development. China’s Rise and US State Managers: Explaining ‘Pivot to Asia’ with Materialist Lenses’, Strife Journal. Special Issue. 2015, I, pp. 31-9.
- ‘Sanctions when Sanctions Fail: Decoupling and US Policy Towards’, in K. Kirkham (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of Sanctions. Oxon: Routledge, 2023 [with Mariam Qureshi and Sandra Watson Parcels]
- ‘US-China Geopolitical and Geo-economic competition in the MENA region’. In: Y. Zoubir (ed.) Routledge Companion to China in the Middle East and North Africa. Oxon: Routledge, 2023
- ‘Covid-19 and its implications on US-China relations: a New Cold War?’. In: C. Espaliu, L. Li, S. Foster, e B. Stanford. (eds.) The global impact of COVID-19 on rights and justice. Oxon: Routledge, 2022

Contemporary Marxism Research Group
The Contemporary Marxism Research Group use the varieties of Marxist theory to analyse the contemporary world, with special reference to political economy and to political and social movements.

Environmental Security research group
The Environmental Security research group brings together scholars from the security community and scholars working on issues of environmental security.

Indo-Pacific research group
Examining the geo-political strategy of the Indo-Pacific and its relationship with other states.
Latin American Security Research Group
The Latin American Security Research Group (LAS) gathers experts working on international relations, defence and security in Latin America.

Economic Conflict & Competition Research Group
The ECCRG aims to be an academic centre of excellence for developing sustained, inter-disciplinary research on the study of Economic Warfare.

Critical Global Capitalism Studies Collective
A collective bringing critical global capitalism research, teaching and activism at King's together under one umbrella to provide a forum for collaborations, events, and discussions, and to forge connections with the media, the policy world, and other like-minded groups.
King's academics reflect on the implications of Trump's victory
As the world woke up to Trump’s victory in the US elections, academics at King’s College London shared their reflections on what the result could mean across...

School of Security Studies launches publication 'War in Ukraine: One Year On'
The online publication 'War in Ukraine: One Year On' features seventeen contributions by a diverse group of scholars from the School of Security Studies at...

Sharing our expertise and insights on the war on Ukraine
Researchers and academics in our Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy are using their expertise to inform discussion and debate around Russia’s invasion...

Lau China Institute & Young China Watchers 2021 Essay Competition Open
The Lau China Institute in partnership with Young China Watchers is delighted to announce our 2021 essay competition

New policy series analyses contemporary China's diplomatic, economic and security interactions with the world
As China continues to cement its role as a political and economic superpower it is as important as ever to evaluate how it operates beyond its own borders.

Academics from UK & Italy debate the security implications of Brexit at Inaugural Conference
Inaugural ITSS conference on Brexit held in Verona


Book talk 'US-China Rivalry: Great Power Competition in the Indo-Pacific'
Professor Brian Fong, National Sun Yat-sen University presents his book 'US-China Rivalry: Great Power Competition in the Indo-Pacific'
Please note: this event has passed.

Panel discussion - China's approach to security and statecraft networks in the MENA region
What are the consequences of China's increased presence in the Middle East and its effects on the region's unstable security environment?
Please note: this event has passed.

Water Security: Overview from the World and the Way Forward
A discussion on the importance of water security and innovative methods that ensure better access, protection, and management of hydric resources for...
Please note: this event has passed.

Military Logistics: The future battlespace and the UK in the Indo Pacific
Join us for the fifth seminar in the New Voices in Global Security seminar series.
Please note: this event has passed.

Book talk - What Xiconomics means for foreign business
What does China's dual circulation strategy mean for foreign businesses? Andrew Cainey examines China's economic and business environment as part of China...
Please note: this event has passed.

China and the emerging Indo-Pacific order
This presentation discusses current issues concerning China in the Indo-Pacific region and regional trends.
Please note: this event has passed.

China’s space programme: A rising star, a rising challenge
Part of the Lau China Institute Policy Series
Please note: this event has passed.

Lau Policy Series 2020: China in the World
Join us for the launch of the Lau Policy Series 2020.
Please note: this event has passed.

Seeing the bigger picture: Defence and diplomacy in uncertain times
Defence & Diplomacy panel event for the School of Security Studies Research Conference.
Please note: this event has passed.

Brexit and tomorrow's societal implications
Following on from the ITSS Brexit conference
Please note: this event has passed.
Between a rock and a hard place: Trump, Harris and China
Who does China favour in the US presidential election? The answer is not clear-cut.

Unravelling the AUKUS Security Pact with Dr Zeno Leoni and Dr Sarah Tzinieris
Ahead of the AUKUS in Context course, we caught up with two King’s academics, Dr Zeno Leoni and Dr Sarah Tzinieris, who are currently carrying out research on...
Has Russia emulated Nazi “blitzkrieg” in its invasion of Ukraine?
ZENO LEONI AND ANDRE CARVALHO: There has been much speculation about the poor performance of Russian forces in Ukraine on the one hand, and the unexpected...

Nixon-Mao meeting: four lessons from 50 years of US-China relations
Richard Nixon’s visit sparked a new era of collaboration but now the relationship between US and China is beginning to unravel.

Could China have any influence over Russia's actions?
ZENO LEONI: How China is responding to the war in the Ukraine.

Sharing our expertise and insights on the war on Ukraine
Researchers and academics in our Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy are using their expertise to inform discussion and debate around Russia’s invasion...

Buzzword or grand strategy? What Biden's Build Back Better World policy is all about
Dr Zeno Leoni discusses the challenges facing the US after creating a coalition behind the B3W banner

Why there is much to celebrate as the Communist Party of China turns 100
The CPC has much to celebrate as it reflects on its 100 years, with two presents of historical significance recently delivered by the West.

The 50th anniversary of Kissinger's secret trip to China: From the Cold War to a new cold war
DSD Academics comment on the contributing factors affecting the US-China relationship

The end of the 'Golden era'? What Covid-19 means for UK-China relations
Now more than ever the UK needs a strategy towards China that weighs up the economic benefits with the security risks

Spotlight on COVID: UK-China relations
Dr Zeno Leoni discusses the UK’s economy-security conundrum in relation to China


Contemporary Marxism Research Group
The Contemporary Marxism Research Group use the varieties of Marxist theory to analyse the contemporary world, with special reference to political economy and to political and social movements.

Environmental Security research group
The Environmental Security research group brings together scholars from the security community and scholars working on issues of environmental security.

Indo-Pacific research group
Examining the geo-political strategy of the Indo-Pacific and its relationship with other states.
Latin American Security Research Group
The Latin American Security Research Group (LAS) gathers experts working on international relations, defence and security in Latin America.

Economic Conflict & Competition Research Group
The ECCRG aims to be an academic centre of excellence for developing sustained, inter-disciplinary research on the study of Economic Warfare.

Critical Global Capitalism Studies Collective
A collective bringing critical global capitalism research, teaching and activism at King's together under one umbrella to provide a forum for collaborations, events, and discussions, and to forge connections with the media, the policy world, and other like-minded groups.
King's academics reflect on the implications of Trump's victory
As the world woke up to Trump’s victory in the US elections, academics at King’s College London shared their reflections on what the result could mean across...

School of Security Studies launches publication 'War in Ukraine: One Year On'
The online publication 'War in Ukraine: One Year On' features seventeen contributions by a diverse group of scholars from the School of Security Studies at...

Sharing our expertise and insights on the war on Ukraine
Researchers and academics in our Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy are using their expertise to inform discussion and debate around Russia’s invasion...

Lau China Institute & Young China Watchers 2021 Essay Competition Open
The Lau China Institute in partnership with Young China Watchers is delighted to announce our 2021 essay competition

New policy series analyses contemporary China's diplomatic, economic and security interactions with the world
As China continues to cement its role as a political and economic superpower it is as important as ever to evaluate how it operates beyond its own borders.

Academics from UK & Italy debate the security implications of Brexit at Inaugural Conference
Inaugural ITSS conference on Brexit held in Verona


Book talk 'US-China Rivalry: Great Power Competition in the Indo-Pacific'
Professor Brian Fong, National Sun Yat-sen University presents his book 'US-China Rivalry: Great Power Competition in the Indo-Pacific'
Please note: this event has passed.

Panel discussion - China's approach to security and statecraft networks in the MENA region
What are the consequences of China's increased presence in the Middle East and its effects on the region's unstable security environment?
Please note: this event has passed.

Water Security: Overview from the World and the Way Forward
A discussion on the importance of water security and innovative methods that ensure better access, protection, and management of hydric resources for...
Please note: this event has passed.

Military Logistics: The future battlespace and the UK in the Indo Pacific
Join us for the fifth seminar in the New Voices in Global Security seminar series.
Please note: this event has passed.

Book talk - What Xiconomics means for foreign business
What does China's dual circulation strategy mean for foreign businesses? Andrew Cainey examines China's economic and business environment as part of China...
Please note: this event has passed.

China and the emerging Indo-Pacific order
This presentation discusses current issues concerning China in the Indo-Pacific region and regional trends.
Please note: this event has passed.

China’s space programme: A rising star, a rising challenge
Part of the Lau China Institute Policy Series
Please note: this event has passed.

Lau Policy Series 2020: China in the World
Join us for the launch of the Lau Policy Series 2020.
Please note: this event has passed.

Seeing the bigger picture: Defence and diplomacy in uncertain times
Defence & Diplomacy panel event for the School of Security Studies Research Conference.
Please note: this event has passed.

Brexit and tomorrow's societal implications
Following on from the ITSS Brexit conference
Please note: this event has passed.
Between a rock and a hard place: Trump, Harris and China
Who does China favour in the US presidential election? The answer is not clear-cut.

Unravelling the AUKUS Security Pact with Dr Zeno Leoni and Dr Sarah Tzinieris
Ahead of the AUKUS in Context course, we caught up with two King’s academics, Dr Zeno Leoni and Dr Sarah Tzinieris, who are currently carrying out research on...
Has Russia emulated Nazi “blitzkrieg” in its invasion of Ukraine?
ZENO LEONI AND ANDRE CARVALHO: There has been much speculation about the poor performance of Russian forces in Ukraine on the one hand, and the unexpected...

Nixon-Mao meeting: four lessons from 50 years of US-China relations
Richard Nixon’s visit sparked a new era of collaboration but now the relationship between US and China is beginning to unravel.

Could China have any influence over Russia's actions?
ZENO LEONI: How China is responding to the war in the Ukraine.

Sharing our expertise and insights on the war on Ukraine
Researchers and academics in our Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy are using their expertise to inform discussion and debate around Russia’s invasion...

Buzzword or grand strategy? What Biden's Build Back Better World policy is all about
Dr Zeno Leoni discusses the challenges facing the US after creating a coalition behind the B3W banner

Why there is much to celebrate as the Communist Party of China turns 100
The CPC has much to celebrate as it reflects on its 100 years, with two presents of historical significance recently delivered by the West.

The 50th anniversary of Kissinger's secret trip to China: From the Cold War to a new cold war
DSD Academics comment on the contributing factors affecting the US-China relationship

The end of the 'Golden era'? What Covid-19 means for UK-China relations
Now more than ever the UK needs a strategy towards China that weighs up the economic benefits with the security risks

Spotlight on COVID: UK-China relations
Dr Zeno Leoni discusses the UK’s economy-security conundrum in relation to China