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Juan Grigera

Dr Juan Grigera

Senior Lecturer in International Development

Research interests

  • International development
  • Policy
  • Politics

Contact details


Dr Juan Grigera is a Senior Lecturer in International Development. He completed his PhD at the University of Buenos Aires with support from CONICET (Argentina). He completed a MSc in Development Studies from the London School of Economics. He is also an affiliate of the King's Brazil Institute. 


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Deindustrialisation
  • Social conflict

Juan authored the book, 'The diffusion of Artificial Intelligence' (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming). Currently, he is also an active member of the editorial board of Historical Materialism (London) and Cuadernos de Economía Crítica (Argentina).



4YYD0002 History of the Global Economy
5YYD0018 Development Theory


7YYD0024 Global Labour and Development

PhD Supervision

Juan supervises PhD students in the areas of the social and economic impact of Artificial Intelligence, and structural transformation and economic development of Latin America.


Banking and Finance
Global Production, Finance and Labour research group

A multidisciplinary research group dealing with global production, labour, money and finance within the Department of International Development at the School of Global Affairs, King's College London.

Global Capitalism, Power & Uneven Development research group

We study the many ways in which the world-system unevenly constrains and drives development everywhere, with its persistent structural hierarchies, dependencies, contradictions, and unequal power relations between classes, ethnicities, genders, races, and states.

Economics and finance and Strategic Entrepreneurship
Technology, Innovation, and Economic Development research group

The Technology, Innovation, and Development Research Group explores the role of cutting-edge technologies in International Development.

global law firm - offices
Critical Global Capitalism Studies Collective

A collective bringing critical global capitalism research, teaching and activism at King's together under one umbrella to provide a forum for collaborations, events, and discussions, and to forge connections with the media, the policy world, and other like-minded groups.


King's researchers comment on the outcomes of the UK AI Safety Summit

Members of the King’s Institute for AI community share thoughts on the AI Safety Summit outcomes

cartoon image of a person looking at an exclamation mark sign



Book talk on "Pharmanomics: How Big Pharma Destroys Global Health" with Nick Dearden

Nick Dearden discusses how big pharma destroys global health and offers a response towards a to a fairer and safer system for all.

Please note: this event has passed.


Facing AI: mitigating the impact of AI in the workplace

Hear the results of a participatory research study into organised workers’ responses to the introduction of AI in Welsh workplaces.

Please note: this event has passed.


Covid and Development: a roundtable discussion with members of the Department of International Development

'What has Covid revealed? And what will it result in?', with a focus on various Global South contexts.

Please note: this event has passed.


Closing the gaps? Intersectional inequalities during the Workers’ Party administrations in Brazil (2003-2013)

Join Pedro Mendes Loureiro (University of Cambridge) for this talk on income inequality in Brazil.

Please note: this event has passed.


Argentina debt crisis: IMF austerity plan is being derailed

The new government of Alberto Fernandez must now deal with Argentina's least favourite international organisation, writes Dr Juan Grigera.

The Argentine flag flies in the wind


Banking and Finance
Global Production, Finance and Labour research group

A multidisciplinary research group dealing with global production, labour, money and finance within the Department of International Development at the School of Global Affairs, King's College London.

Global Capitalism, Power & Uneven Development research group

We study the many ways in which the world-system unevenly constrains and drives development everywhere, with its persistent structural hierarchies, dependencies, contradictions, and unequal power relations between classes, ethnicities, genders, races, and states.

Economics and finance and Strategic Entrepreneurship
Technology, Innovation, and Economic Development research group

The Technology, Innovation, and Development Research Group explores the role of cutting-edge technologies in International Development.

global law firm - offices
Critical Global Capitalism Studies Collective

A collective bringing critical global capitalism research, teaching and activism at King's together under one umbrella to provide a forum for collaborations, events, and discussions, and to forge connections with the media, the policy world, and other like-minded groups.


King's researchers comment on the outcomes of the UK AI Safety Summit

Members of the King’s Institute for AI community share thoughts on the AI Safety Summit outcomes

cartoon image of a person looking at an exclamation mark sign



Book talk on "Pharmanomics: How Big Pharma Destroys Global Health" with Nick Dearden

Nick Dearden discusses how big pharma destroys global health and offers a response towards a to a fairer and safer system for all.

Please note: this event has passed.


Facing AI: mitigating the impact of AI in the workplace

Hear the results of a participatory research study into organised workers’ responses to the introduction of AI in Welsh workplaces.

Please note: this event has passed.


Covid and Development: a roundtable discussion with members of the Department of International Development

'What has Covid revealed? And what will it result in?', with a focus on various Global South contexts.

Please note: this event has passed.


Closing the gaps? Intersectional inequalities during the Workers’ Party administrations in Brazil (2003-2013)

Join Pedro Mendes Loureiro (University of Cambridge) for this talk on income inequality in Brazil.

Please note: this event has passed.


Argentina debt crisis: IMF austerity plan is being derailed

The new government of Alberto Fernandez must now deal with Argentina's least favourite international organisation, writes Dr Juan Grigera.

The Argentine flag flies in the wind