Jo joined the Unit in 2023 as a member of the Homelessness Research Programme Team and HSCWRU’s first full-time peer researcher.
Volunteer Peer Researcher and Advisory Group Member on a number of Unit studies, most recently the DHSC funded Out-of-Hospital Care Models (OOHCM) evaluation, and NIHR SSCR funded study of Strengthening Adult Safeguarding Responses to Homelessness and Self-neglect. She was also part of a project which engaged people with experience of homelessness in the production of a short film, which asks whether carrying out research with people experiencing multiple exclusion homelessness is ‘Just another form of exclusion?’
Jo is part of the study team for the new collaborative study Housing Model Evaluation (HOME) (2023 – 2026) which is examining the health impacts of different housing and support models for people with histories of chronic/repeat homelessness. She speaks regularly at events and meetings, most recently at the 23rd International Conference on Integrated Care in Antwerp, co-presenting one of two papers reporting on the OOHCM evaluation as part of a livestreamed session on Homelessness. She is co-author of the Cornes, M. et al. (2019) Transforming Out-of-Hospital Care for Patients who are Homeless. Support Tool & Briefing Notes

Homelessness Research Programme
The Homelessness Research Programme (HRP) is based in the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce at King’s College London and brings together leading researchers in the field.

Evaluation of the Out-of-Hospital Care Models programme for people experiencing homelessness
Capturing learning from test sites for the programme and evidencing outcomes that are being achieved (2021–2023)
Project status: Ongoing
Unit roundtable on service provision for those experiencing homelessness
Zoe Jordan brought news of an Australian approach

First meeting of Homelessness Research Programme Standing Advisory Group
New lived-experience group meets at the Unit

Out-of-Hospital Care Models programme for people experiencing homelessness
Launch of major evaluation report led by Michelle Cornes and Michela Tinelli

Unit research cited by Homeless and Inclusion Health Barometer 2024
The report also cites the Unit’s Homelessness webinar series

Nutrition / homelessness
Jo Coombes and Jess Harris met three Dietetics students from within King's

Discussing hospital discharge protocols for people experiencing homelessness
Unit researchers spoke to the London Network of Nurses and Midwives Homelessness Group

Out-of-Hospital Care Models evaluation team in Antwerp
Michelle Cornes, Michela Tinelli and Jo Coombes were at the 23rd International Conference on Integrated Care

Homelessness and public health impacts of housing-led interventions
Major new study examines the health impacts of providing housing plus intensive forms of support

Homelessness research: co-production and involvement
Unit researchers met with Inclusion Health Programme Managers from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities

What happens when people without a home leave hospital?
A new study went to Cornwall as part of an ongoing evaluation of current initiatives


Homelessness Research Programme
The Homelessness Research Programme (HRP) is based in the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce at King’s College London and brings together leading researchers in the field.

Evaluation of the Out-of-Hospital Care Models programme for people experiencing homelessness
Capturing learning from test sites for the programme and evidencing outcomes that are being achieved (2021–2023)
Project status: Ongoing
Unit roundtable on service provision for those experiencing homelessness
Zoe Jordan brought news of an Australian approach

First meeting of Homelessness Research Programme Standing Advisory Group
New lived-experience group meets at the Unit

Out-of-Hospital Care Models programme for people experiencing homelessness
Launch of major evaluation report led by Michelle Cornes and Michela Tinelli

Unit research cited by Homeless and Inclusion Health Barometer 2024
The report also cites the Unit’s Homelessness webinar series

Nutrition / homelessness
Jo Coombes and Jess Harris met three Dietetics students from within King's

Discussing hospital discharge protocols for people experiencing homelessness
Unit researchers spoke to the London Network of Nurses and Midwives Homelessness Group

Out-of-Hospital Care Models evaluation team in Antwerp
Michelle Cornes, Michela Tinelli and Jo Coombes were at the 23rd International Conference on Integrated Care

Homelessness and public health impacts of housing-led interventions
Major new study examines the health impacts of providing housing plus intensive forms of support

Homelessness research: co-production and involvement
Unit researchers met with Inclusion Health Programme Managers from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities

What happens when people without a home leave hospital?
A new study went to Cornwall as part of an ongoing evaluation of current initiatives