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Jia Liu

Dr Jia Liu

Lecturer in Clinical Communication

  • Human Values Block Lead

Contact details


As lecturer in Clinical Communication in GKT School of Medical Education, I am responsible for leading and delivering clinical communication teaching in the MBBS degree. I am also Human Values Block Lead in the Stage 1 Introduction to Values-based Clinical Practice module.

Before my lectureship, I worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at KCL funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) LISS DTP. In addition to my PhD from KCL (2020), I have a MSc degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

As for research background, I am a mixed method researcher with cross-disciplinary interests in cultural competence, medical sociology, and healthcare education. I use a wide range of methods, including ethnography, interviews, focus groups, solicited diaries and surveys, to research a wide range of social, cultural, and educational issues in the healthcare setting.

I am actively involved in several funded research projects such as ‘Preparing to Care for a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Patient Population’, ‘Bridging the Attainment Gap of Healthcare Students’, and ‘Emotional Impact of Living with Axial Spondyloarthritis’. I have a keen interest in the field of educational research in equality, diversity and inclusion, as well as healthcare communication in digital platforms and/or using artificial intelligence.

I welcome PhD applications from candidates who wish to use qualitative or mixed method approaches to investigate the following topics:

  • cultural competence, diversity or inclusion in healthcare
  • clinical communication, especially in the digital era
  • medical sociology, patient experiences
  • student experience, or (in)equality/diversity in medical/higher education


    Cultural Competency in Healthcare BEME review

    A systematic literature review on cultural competency in medicine and healthcare education.

    Project status: Completed



    Exploring the value of creative (higher) education

    A one-day conference hosted by the Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries (CMCI), King’s College London.

    Please note: this event has passed.


      Cultural Competency in Healthcare BEME review

      A systematic literature review on cultural competency in medicine and healthcare education.

      Project status: Completed



      Exploring the value of creative (higher) education

      A one-day conference hosted by the Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries (CMCI), King’s College London.

      Please note: this event has passed.