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Henry Rothstein

Professor Henry Rothstein

Professor of Risk and Regulation

Research interests

  • Geography


Dr Henry Rothstein is a Professor of Risk and Regulation and is Deputy Director of the King's Centre for Risk Management.

He has a BSc in natural science from Bristol University and an MSc and DPhil in Science and Technology Policy Studies from the Science Policy Research Unit, Sussex University. Before coming to King’s in 2006, he held a series of Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Research Fellowships at Brunel University and the ESRC Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation at the London School of Economics. 


  • International and sectoral comparative analysis of risk regulation and governance
  • Political economy and philosophy of risk regulation
  • Risk-based regulation
  • Regulatory transparency, accountability and public participation

Henry has interdisciplinary research interests that have broadly concerned the institutional factors that shape the way that risk governance develops, works and fails within the public and private sectors and across policy domains and countries.

His current research project examines the use of 'big data for improving health care quality regulation across the world' (BMJQ&S 2016) 'Health, risk and society' (2016). This project builds on one aspect of his last research project (HowSAFE), which examined the patterned uptake of risk-based approaches to governance across Europe (Socio-Economic Review (2017); Regulation and Governance (2013)) with a particular focus on the underlying norms and accountability structures of different national polities.

The novelty and potential explanatory power of that insight was recognised by the award in 2012 of a prestigious ESRC-Open Research Area grant with an approximate total value of £1.1 million, shared with collaborators at the universities of Bielefeld, Sciences-Po and Maastricht.


PhD supervision

Prospective students interested in working in the areas below should contact Henry with a CV and precis of a research proposal.

  • Comparative analysis of risk governance regimes 
  • Risk as an organising concept of modernity 
  • Participative risk governance 

Principal supervisor

Further details

See Henry's research profile

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desert drought
Risk, Hazard & Society research group

Advancing understanding of risk and perception, as well as communication and regulation in a range of environmental, social and country contexts.

Security Cameras
How States Account For Failure in Europe (HOWSAFE)

Exploring the institutional factors driving, shaping and constraining the application of risk-based approaches to governance across Europe.

Project status: Completed


Improving the way big data is used to identify failing hospitals

Researchers use big data to better support hospitals showing a declining quality of care – and ultimately improve their quality and safety.

Nurses speaking with purple horizontal chevrons

The publication feed is not currently available.


desert drought
Risk, Hazard & Society research group

Advancing understanding of risk and perception, as well as communication and regulation in a range of environmental, social and country contexts.

Security Cameras
How States Account For Failure in Europe (HOWSAFE)

Exploring the institutional factors driving, shaping and constraining the application of risk-based approaches to governance across Europe.

Project status: Completed


Improving the way big data is used to identify failing hospitals

Researchers use big data to better support hospitals showing a declining quality of care – and ultimately improve their quality and safety.

Nurses speaking with purple horizontal chevrons