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Tiffany Fairey

Dr Tiffany Fairey

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Arts
  • Culture
  • Conflict


Dr Tiffany Fairey is a visual sociologist who joined the Department of War Studies in 2019. Her research interests include peacebuilding, conflict transformation, reconciliation and the relationship between photography and peace. In particular, she is interested in visual, arts-based and participatory peacebuilding methods that work with communities affected by mass violence and conflict.

Tiffany’s current Leverhulme Fellowship research, Imaging Peace, is a multi-country study of participatory peace photography with partners in Colombia, Rwanda, Northern Ireland and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Previously, she worked on various interdisciplinary arts and peace-building research projects including Art & Reconciliation, Izazov, a Changing the Story project and Imaging Social Justice. She is a member of King’s Visual and Embodied Methodologies Network and Arts and Conflict Hub. Completing her PhD in Visual Sociology at Goldsmiths University, her research has been widely published including in Photography and Culture (2019), Visual Studies (2018), Peacebuilding (2023), Action Research (2022), Journal of Media, War and Conflict (2023) and the International Journal of Transitional Justice (2020).

Co-founder and former director of the award-winning charity PhotoVoice, Tiffany is an expert in photovoice and participatory photography methods. Working across the research-practice divide she acts as an advisor and consultant to researchers and organisations. She is Photovoice Associate at Everyday Peace Indicators and on the advisory board of the Post Conflict Research Centre. Her photovoice work has been recognised with various awards including the Royal Photographic Society’s Hood Medal for outstanding advance in photography for public service.

Research Interests

  • Peacebuilding, conflict transformation and reconciliation
  • Arts-based, participatory and inclusive peace-building
  • Visual and action research methods (specialist in photovoice and participatory visual methods and approaches)
  • Mixed methods design
  • Participatory and community arts and media
  • Ethics in collaborative and participatory research
  • Arts evaluation and impact


  • Culture, Rights and Justice (MA-online)
  • Introductory and advanced photovoice and participatory visual methods


Further details

See Tiffany’s PURE page, research profile and website.


Imaging Peace

Imaging Peace is a Leverhulme funded multi-year, multi-country study of peace photography.

Project status: Ongoing

War Crimes Research Group

Conducting research and teaching on war crimes (broadly conceived) and war.

Arts and conflict hub page
Arts & Conflict Hub

The Arts & Conflicts hub uses artistic mediums to communicate, teach and research the complexities of conflict

Visual Embodied Methodologies Network

Creating spaces of knowledge-exchange and research excellence around visual, embodied and art-based methodologies within, across and beyond Social Sciences.

Intersectional Gendered Violence

The project looks at sexual harassment against and among young people, resistance & activism among migrant women and conflict-related gendered trauma and pain.

Project status: Ongoing

Art and reconciliation thumbnail logo
Art and Reconciliation: Conflict, Culture and Community

Art & Reconciliation: Conflict, Culture and Community is a multi-year, collaborative and inter-disciplinary research project that ran from 2016-2021.

Project status: Completed


Imaging Peace to open on the Strand

‘Imaging Peace’ a new outdoor exhibition featuring global community peace photography projects and research by Dr Tiffany Fairey, to open on the Strand.

A group of children take a selfie using a sandal on a hilltop in Balukhali camp.

SSPP celebrates impactful research across the faculty

The Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy recently held its first Impact Awards to recognise and celebrate activity that has had a positive impact on...

SSPP impact awards 2022 winners



Critical Approaches to Security Studies: Imaging Peace and Feminist Foreign Policy

Join us for the final seminar in the New Voices in Global Security seminar series.

Please note: this event has passed.


Participatory photography and Photovoice

A Visual Embodied Methodologies workshop series event with Dr Tiffany Fairey

Please note: this event has passed.


Imaging War and Peace: Taster Workshop on Visual Methods in Research [PLACES NOW FULL]

Join our interactive workshop on visual research methods, including photo-elicitation and photovoice.

Please note: this event has passed.


What Works? Creative Approaches to Transitional Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina

A discussion looking at approached to transitional justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Please note: this event has passed.


How photography can build peace and justice in war-torn communities

Tiffany Fairey on how photography can be used to not only to document the aftermath of war and violence, but also to actively support peace.


Meet our SSPP research grant winners

Find out about some of the research projects underway across the Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy

books and lights hero 1903


Evaluating peacebuilding in the Western Balkans through art

King’s research has had a transformative impact peacebuilding policy and practice in the Western Balkans.

Art & Rec 2


Imaging Peace

Imaging Peace is a Leverhulme funded multi-year, multi-country study of peace photography.

Project status: Ongoing

War Crimes Research Group

Conducting research and teaching on war crimes (broadly conceived) and war.

Arts and conflict hub page
Arts & Conflict Hub

The Arts & Conflicts hub uses artistic mediums to communicate, teach and research the complexities of conflict

Visual Embodied Methodologies Network

Creating spaces of knowledge-exchange and research excellence around visual, embodied and art-based methodologies within, across and beyond Social Sciences.

Intersectional Gendered Violence

The project looks at sexual harassment against and among young people, resistance & activism among migrant women and conflict-related gendered trauma and pain.

Project status: Ongoing

Art and reconciliation thumbnail logo
Art and Reconciliation: Conflict, Culture and Community

Art & Reconciliation: Conflict, Culture and Community is a multi-year, collaborative and inter-disciplinary research project that ran from 2016-2021.

Project status: Completed


Imaging Peace to open on the Strand

‘Imaging Peace’ a new outdoor exhibition featuring global community peace photography projects and research by Dr Tiffany Fairey, to open on the Strand.

A group of children take a selfie using a sandal on a hilltop in Balukhali camp.

SSPP celebrates impactful research across the faculty

The Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy recently held its first Impact Awards to recognise and celebrate activity that has had a positive impact on...

SSPP impact awards 2022 winners



Critical Approaches to Security Studies: Imaging Peace and Feminist Foreign Policy

Join us for the final seminar in the New Voices in Global Security seminar series.

Please note: this event has passed.


Participatory photography and Photovoice

A Visual Embodied Methodologies workshop series event with Dr Tiffany Fairey

Please note: this event has passed.


Imaging War and Peace: Taster Workshop on Visual Methods in Research [PLACES NOW FULL]

Join our interactive workshop on visual research methods, including photo-elicitation and photovoice.

Please note: this event has passed.


What Works? Creative Approaches to Transitional Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina

A discussion looking at approached to transitional justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Please note: this event has passed.


How photography can build peace and justice in war-torn communities

Tiffany Fairey on how photography can be used to not only to document the aftermath of war and violence, but also to actively support peace.


Meet our SSPP research grant winners

Find out about some of the research projects underway across the Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy

books and lights hero 1903


Evaluating peacebuilding in the Western Balkans through art

King’s research has had a transformative impact peacebuilding policy and practice in the Western Balkans.

Art & Rec 2