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Hannah   Rosa

Dr Hannah Rosa

Technical Manager


I completed my MSci in Biomedical Sciences at Newcastle University in 2013, and remained there for my PhD at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Mitochondrial Research where I investigated the pathogenesis of mitochondrial dysfunction in patients with mitochondrial disease. In April 2017, I moved to King’s College London to work on a project in Dr Afshan Malik’s lab investigating diabetic complications, specifically diabetic nephropathy. In June 2020 I became a Lab Technician for the Department of Diabetes, and in 2021 was appointed Lab Manager.

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Malik banner
Malik lab

The Malik lab is part of the School of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine & Sciences


Damage to mitochondrial DNA in diabetes could underlie adult blindness

Researchers have identified mutations in the mitochondrial DNA of patients with diabetic retinopathy, that could increase the progression of the disease.



Dr Hannah Rosa: Why public engagement is both fulfilling and essential

Dr Hannah Rosa is a Technical Manager in the School of Cardiovascular Medicine & Metabolic sciences. She is passionate about public engagement, and in...

Guy's campus

5 minutes with Hannah Rosa - International Day of Women and Girls in Science edition

Dr Hannah Rosa is a Lab Technician in the Department of Diabetes, School of Life Course Sciences


The publication feed is not currently available.


Malik banner
Malik lab

The Malik lab is part of the School of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine & Sciences


Damage to mitochondrial DNA in diabetes could underlie adult blindness

Researchers have identified mutations in the mitochondrial DNA of patients with diabetic retinopathy, that could increase the progression of the disease.



Dr Hannah Rosa: Why public engagement is both fulfilling and essential

Dr Hannah Rosa is a Technical Manager in the School of Cardiovascular Medicine & Metabolic sciences. She is passionate about public engagement, and in...

Guy's campus

5 minutes with Hannah Rosa - International Day of Women and Girls in Science edition

Dr Hannah Rosa is a Lab Technician in the Department of Diabetes, School of Life Course Sciences
