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David  Carmichael

Professor David Carmichael

Professor in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Research interests

  • Imaging sciences


I have a background in MRI Physics, which over time this has developed into a wider interest in developing and applying new combinations of imaging techniques to measure and understand the human brain across spatial and temporal scales. My main focus over the last few years has been on combined measurements of electrophysiology via EEG and functional MRI and quantitative structural MRI. I have a particular interest in the application of these methods in the study of epilepsy. Modern neuroimaging play a number of vital roles in this context. They can be used to non-invasively identify (map) epileptogenic brain regions. However, they can also go far beyond this and be used to measure the complex interactions between brain areas and how these relate to the unwanted synchronous brain activity found in epilepsy.Crucially both the mapping and characterisation of brain dynamics can inform and assess treatment approaches for example via surgery or electrical stimulation.


    KERC Seminar Series image
    King's Epilepsy Research Collective (KERC)

    The King’s Epilepsy Research Collective (KERC) provides a platform for researchers from all of King’s faculties to meet and discuss research and to support collaborative activities.


    Researchers commence sodium scanning to provide new information for epilepsy diagnosis

    Researchers and clinicians have started scanning sodium in the brain to learn more about epilepsy in children

    sodium-scanning David C

    First patient scanned on 7T scanner

    The scan is part of research looking into focal cortical dysplasia in children

    7t images


      KERC Seminar Series image
      King's Epilepsy Research Collective (KERC)

      The King’s Epilepsy Research Collective (KERC) provides a platform for researchers from all of King’s faculties to meet and discuss research and to support collaborative activities.


      Researchers commence sodium scanning to provide new information for epilepsy diagnosis

      Researchers and clinicians have started scanning sodium in the brain to learn more about epilepsy in children

      sodium-scanning David C

      First patient scanned on 7T scanner

      The scan is part of research looking into focal cortical dysplasia in children

      7t images