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The King’s Epilepsy Research Collective (KERC) is a platform for researchers at King's Health Partners to connect and support collaborative efforts to advance interdisciplinary research in the broad field of epilepsy.

We especially encourage researchers from outside the conventional disciplines of neuroscience to explore how enabling technologies or social sciences and humanities can contribute to a better understanding of epilepsy.

Our activities are geared towards the needs of both early career researchers and established researchers. Our sole criterion for membership is being active in research.

  • Seminar series organisers: Alessio Delogu, Petroula Laiou, and David Carmichael
  • Grant pitching workshops: Kim Whitehead and Alexander Hammers
  • Communications: Pedro Viana and Irene Faiman
  • Meeting coordination: Eren Dershun

Contact us

Join our Teams channel (using this link or the Teams access code: xpvq038) or contact our meeting coordinator, Eren Dursun at: