Professor Dan Hunter
Executive Dean, The Dickson Poon School of Law
- Professor of Law
Dan Hunter is the Executive Dean of the Dickson Poon School of Law at King’s College London. He was previously the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Law at Queensland University of Technology and the Founding Dean of Swinburne Law School in Australia.
He is an international expert in internet and intellectual property law, AI & law, and legal tech and legal innovation. He holds a PhD from Cambridge on the cognitive science of legal reasoning, as well as computer science and law degrees from Monash University, and an LLM by research from the University of Melbourne.
He regularly publishes on the intersection of computers and law. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law, the creator of the Future Law Podcast and the founder of four startups: in edtech (Quitch), legaltech (Settle Easy), and regulatory technology (Fourth Line and Gracenote).
Research interests
- AI & Law, including the use of AI in criminal justice and civil procedure and the legal theoretical implications of autonomous systems.
- Legaltech and legal innovation models, including the future of legal practice.

Centre for Data Futures
Bringing together interdisciplinary experts to focus on participatory infrastructure throughout the life of data-reliant tools.
King's partners with Linklaters to launch GenAI Expert Training Programme
The GenAI Expert Training programme has been developed in collaboration with The Dickson Poon School of Law and the Linklaters GenAI programme.

King's part of major project to empower regulators and end-users to make AI safer
The project is the first of its kind to give people without a technical background the tools to audit AI systems

South East Asia Tour a huge success
Our Alumni Team were delighted by the warm reception they encountered on a mini tour of South East Asia in early March…

King's hosts inaugural Legal Generative AI Hackathon
The Dickson Poon School of Law together with the Department of Informatics hosted the inaugural King’s Legal Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence)...
King's academics and industry experts discuss developing AI and 'moving beyond the panic'
King’s academics joined policy and industry experts at Science Gallery London on 16 Jan to discuss where we go next with AI development, regulation and policy.

King's hosts Law Schools Global League Conference and 11th Summer School
The Law Schools Global League (LSGL) General Assembly and Academic Conference, and the 11th LSGL Summer School was hosted by King’s in July, bringing together...

'Inspirational, informative and thought-provoking': King's Festival of Artificial Intelligence
King’s opened its doors to the public to explore the latest AI developments at this five-day festival.

Bronze Reggie statue gifted to Hong Kong Alumni Association
Alumnus William Kwan FKC (Law, 1959) has gifted a specially commissioned bronze Reggie statue to the King’s Hong Kong Alumni Association, an organisation for...

Alumnus gives King's largest US donation to drive forward digital law research
A generous gift from a US-based alumnus will create the Jeff Price Chair in Digital Law at The Dickson Poon School of Law.

Samidha Malhotra appointed Director of Professional Law Institute
Samidha Malhotra succeeds Professor Djakhongir Saidov as the new Director of the Professional Law Institute (PLI), part of The Dickson Poon School of Law.


GenAI in the Law School Classroom: Pedagogy and Technology Workshop
A one day workshop for those wanting to learn more about AI
Please note: this event has passed.

Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence and its implications for Law
Professor Harry Surden will sit down with Professor Sylvie Delacroix to discuss the impact of AI and its implications on the Law
Please note: this event has passed.

King's South East Asia Tour 2024 - Singapore
Join us for an exclusive alumni event in Singapore.
Please note: this event has passed.

King's South East Asia Tour 2024 - Kuala Lumpur
Join us for an exclusive alumni event in Malaysia.
Please note: this event has passed.

King's South East Asia Tour 2024 - Hong Kong
Join us for an exclusive alumni event in Hong Kong.
Please note: this event has passed.

Living well with technology: AI and the future
Amidst the rapid changes affecting all industries, how do we navigate the AI revolution?
Please note: this event has passed.

Centre for International Governance and Dispute Resolution Launch, including introduction of the Cambridge Companion to the International Court of Justice
The launch of CIGAD
Please note: this event has passed.

Legal Design and the strive for innovation in the legal system
In this seminar we will explore the innovation and changes that are transforming the legal system as we know it.
Please note: this event has passed.

The Law and Ethics of Generative AI
Professor Dan Hunter discusses generative AI and some of the profound legal and ethical issues created by large language models.
Please note: this event has passed.

Weaponised trade: The EU and the UK in a polarised world
Join us at the the Dickson Poon School of Law for this exciting event with the Italian Ambassador.
Please note: this event has passed.

Centre for Data Futures
Bringing together interdisciplinary experts to focus on participatory infrastructure throughout the life of data-reliant tools.
King's partners with Linklaters to launch GenAI Expert Training Programme
The GenAI Expert Training programme has been developed in collaboration with The Dickson Poon School of Law and the Linklaters GenAI programme.

King's part of major project to empower regulators and end-users to make AI safer
The project is the first of its kind to give people without a technical background the tools to audit AI systems

South East Asia Tour a huge success
Our Alumni Team were delighted by the warm reception they encountered on a mini tour of South East Asia in early March…

King's hosts inaugural Legal Generative AI Hackathon
The Dickson Poon School of Law together with the Department of Informatics hosted the inaugural King’s Legal Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence)...
King's academics and industry experts discuss developing AI and 'moving beyond the panic'
King’s academics joined policy and industry experts at Science Gallery London on 16 Jan to discuss where we go next with AI development, regulation and policy.

King's hosts Law Schools Global League Conference and 11th Summer School
The Law Schools Global League (LSGL) General Assembly and Academic Conference, and the 11th LSGL Summer School was hosted by King’s in July, bringing together...

'Inspirational, informative and thought-provoking': King's Festival of Artificial Intelligence
King’s opened its doors to the public to explore the latest AI developments at this five-day festival.

Bronze Reggie statue gifted to Hong Kong Alumni Association
Alumnus William Kwan FKC (Law, 1959) has gifted a specially commissioned bronze Reggie statue to the King’s Hong Kong Alumni Association, an organisation for...

Alumnus gives King's largest US donation to drive forward digital law research
A generous gift from a US-based alumnus will create the Jeff Price Chair in Digital Law at The Dickson Poon School of Law.

Samidha Malhotra appointed Director of Professional Law Institute
Samidha Malhotra succeeds Professor Djakhongir Saidov as the new Director of the Professional Law Institute (PLI), part of The Dickson Poon School of Law.


GenAI in the Law School Classroom: Pedagogy and Technology Workshop
A one day workshop for those wanting to learn more about AI
Please note: this event has passed.

Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence and its implications for Law
Professor Harry Surden will sit down with Professor Sylvie Delacroix to discuss the impact of AI and its implications on the Law
Please note: this event has passed.

King's South East Asia Tour 2024 - Singapore
Join us for an exclusive alumni event in Singapore.
Please note: this event has passed.

King's South East Asia Tour 2024 - Kuala Lumpur
Join us for an exclusive alumni event in Malaysia.
Please note: this event has passed.

King's South East Asia Tour 2024 - Hong Kong
Join us for an exclusive alumni event in Hong Kong.
Please note: this event has passed.

Living well with technology: AI and the future
Amidst the rapid changes affecting all industries, how do we navigate the AI revolution?
Please note: this event has passed.

Centre for International Governance and Dispute Resolution Launch, including introduction of the Cambridge Companion to the International Court of Justice
The launch of CIGAD
Please note: this event has passed.

Legal Design and the strive for innovation in the legal system
In this seminar we will explore the innovation and changes that are transforming the legal system as we know it.
Please note: this event has passed.

The Law and Ethics of Generative AI
Professor Dan Hunter discusses generative AI and some of the profound legal and ethical issues created by large language models.
Please note: this event has passed.

Weaponised trade: The EU and the UK in a polarised world
Join us at the the Dickson Poon School of Law for this exciting event with the Italian Ambassador.
Please note: this event has passed.