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Carlo  Nicolai

Dr Carlo Nicolai

Senior Lecturer in Philosophy

Research interests

  • Philosophy


I obtained my DPhil from the University of Oxford in 2014. Before joining King's, I was in Munich (MCMP) with a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, and in Utrecht with a VENI (NWO) grant. 

I am the Principal Investigator of the AHRC Research Project “Properties, Paradox, and Circularity: A New, Type-Free Approach”. 

Research interests and PhD supervision

  • Logic (logical paradoxes, formal theories of truth and abstraction)
  • Philosophy of Logic and Language (formal theories of consequence, truth-theoretic deflationism)
  • Philosophy of Mathematics (implicit commitment, reflection principles, reductive proof-theory)


I teach undergraduate and postgraduate modules in Logic.