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29 March 2022

School's inaugural awards sees staff and students honoured

Students and staff from across the School of Politics and Economics were honoured at an annual awards ceremony.

The winners from the inaugural awards ceremony. Picture: SPE

The first ever SPE Celebration Evening was hosted in the Great Hall at King’s on 28 March and saw academics, students and professional services staff recognised for their efforts and achievements over the last 12 months.

Among the award categories were Student Achievement, GTA of the Year, and Academic Staff Member of the Year, with winners from the Department of Political Economy, King’s Russia Institute and Department of European and International Studies represented.

Professor Peter John, head of the School of Politics and Economics, said: “It was a tremendous privilege to host our inaugural awards and the perfect platform from which to celebrate the incredible work and commitment we have seen from our community over the last 12 months.

“We received some outstanding nominations and every one of our nominees was truly worthy of recognition. I am already looking forward to next year’s event and hearing more about the amazing work going on in our school.”

Awards were handed out on the night by Professor Adam Fagan (Interim Vice President, Education), Professor Rachel Kerr (Vice Dean, Education for the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy), and Professor Linda McKie (Executive Dean, Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy).

Award winners on the night were: Monica Richards (Student Award, DPE); Vaishnav Rajkumar (Student Awards, EIS); Nina Weber (PGR Student Awards, DPE); Charles Rose (PGR Student Award, EIS); Russell Foster (Academic Staff Award, EIS); Scott James (Academic Staff Award, DPE), Adnan Vatansever (Academic Staff Award, KRI), Hannah Evans (Professional Services Staff Award), Patrick Thompson (GTA Award, EIS); Shruti Iyer (GTA Award, DPE); Maliha Reza (Outstanding Student Achievement); Michael Bankole (Outstanding PGR Student Achievement); Fintan Hogan (Student Community Award); Anja Shortland (Research Achievement Award).

In this story

Peter John

Head of the School of Politics and Economics and Professor of Public Policy

Linda McKie

Executive Dean, Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy

Rachel Kerr

Professor of War and Society

Adam Fagan

Vice President (Education & Student Success)

Adnan Vatansever

Reader in Russian Political Economy

Russell Foster

Senior Lecturer in British and International Politics

Michael Bankole

PhD Candidate

Anja Shortland

Professor in Political Economy

Scott  James

Reader in Political Economy