I very much appreciate the BHF’s support over the past nine years, which allowed my research at King’s to be incredibly fruitful. I really hope that, going forward, my new role will help facilitate intensive collaboration between cardiovascular researchers in the UK and Japan.
Professor Otsu, BHF Professor of Cardiology from the School of Cardiovascular Medicine & Sciences
22 April 2021
Professor Kinya Otsu to lead the National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Centre in Japan
Professor Kinya Otsu, BHF Professor of Cardiology, has been appointed as President of the National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Centre in Japan.
The National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Centre is the only national centre for advanced medical care and research in Japan that focuses on cerebral and cardiovascular diseases. The highly prestigious position requires approval by the Japanese government.
Professor Otsu was recruited to the BHF Centre of Research Excellence at King’s from Japan nine years ago, with support from a BHF Personal Chair. His research focuses on mechanisms underlying the development of heart failure, with particular emphasis on the roles of cardiomyocyte death and inflammation.
During his nine years at King’s, Professor Otsu has made significant contribution to our understanding of heart failure, a devastating condition, affecting a growing number of people in the UK. Despite advances in medical treatments, there is still no cure for this condition – survival rates remain poor and life expectancy is worse than for many cancers.
His background as a clinical cardiologist meant that much of his research had a translational outlook and could ultimately lead to the development of much needed new therapies.
Professor Ajay Shah, BHF Chair of Cardiology and Interim Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, said: ““Professor Otsu has been a highly valued senior PI and colleague in the School of Cardiovascular Medicine & Sciences and the King’s BHF Centre of Excellence. He has made key contributions to cardiovascular biomedicine at King’s and more widely at an international level over the last decade. We will be very sorry to see him leave but at the same time take pride that one of our own has been appointed to such an important position in Japan. I am confident that his links with King’s will continue”.