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26 April 2021

Professor Glenn Robert appointed as interim Vice Dean (Research & Impact)

Professor Glenn Robert will take over the role on 1 May from Professor Irene Higginson.

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Professor Glenn Robert will be the new Vice Dean (Research & Impact) Interim for the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care, taking over from Professor Irene Higginson from 1 May 2021.

Glenn will work with our members to steer and deliver the Faculty’s research objectives, and delivery of King’s research strategy as part of Vision 2029.

Glenn’s research draws on the fields of organisational studies, organisational sociology, and healthcare improvement studies. His work incorporates the study of innovations in the organisation and delivery of health care services as well as quality improvement interventions.

Glenn has over 25 years’ experience of research in the healthcare sector. He has been a Principal Investigator or co-applicant on over 40 externally funded research grants from funders such as UKRI, NIHR and the European Commission, as well as supporting colleagues to win personal fellowships.

His work has been published in prominent peer-reviewed journals including the British Medical Journal, Milbank Quarterly, BMJ Quality & Safety, Sociology of Health & Illness, Medical Humanities, Implementation Science, and BMC journals. Currently, Glenn’s research includes inter-disciplinary collaborations to identify and test any frameworks and methods that might have value in addressing some of the challenges facing the NHS. A world-leading focus of this work has been on ‘Experience-based Co-design' (EBCD) both as an approach to quality improvement and the development of complex interventions. With colleagues, Glenn has recently developed an international research programme exploring how the delivery, value and outcomes of healthcare services are co-produced through the relationships and interactions between those providing and using a service.

As Vice Dean (Research & Impact) Interim, Glenn will provide leadership of and strategic direction to the Faculty’s research agenda, with the aim of fostering research excellence, innovation, and the development of impact and research teams. Glenn will be working closely with our Vice Deans for both education and international to promote and encourage the integration of research and education, ensuring research excellence is translated into learning opportunities for students and forge international collaborations and partnerships.

Building on the current successes from across the Faculty, Glenn will provide leadership of the management of our research activities, work collaboratively across the university and with our healthcare partners, and support the Faculty to increase its collaborations to further high-quality research. This includes fostering a stimulating, innovative and inclusive cultural environment across the Faculty enabling staff and students to thrive and develop and working with other King's faculties and organisations to maximise synergies and collaborations, promoting interdisciplinary research and ways of working. Glenn will also lead and chair the Faculty Research Executive Committee and represent the Faculty at the College Research Committee and Research Strategy Committee.

In this story

Glenn Robert

Vice Dean (Research & Impact) and Head of Division, Methodologies

Irene Higginson

Executive Dean, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care