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Glenn Robert

Professor Glenn Robert BA, MSc, PhD

Vice Dean (Research & Impact) and Head of Division, Methodologies

Contact details


Professor Glenn Robert is Vice Dean (Research & Impact),  Head of Division, Methodologies, Chair in Healthcare Quality & Innovation, and Better Health & Care Future Co-director. 

Glenn's research draws on the fields of organisational studies and organisational sociology and incorporates the study of innovations in the organisation and delivery of health care services as well as quality improvement interventions. He has an overarching interest in participatory methodologies, particularly as applied in the context of the co-production of health and the use of co-design approaches to improve the quality of healthcare.

Research interests:

  • identifying, adapting and implementing frameworks that might have value in addressing the organisational development & change challenges facing healthcare organisations;
  • designing and evaluating innovations in quality improvement and service delivery;
  • participatory action research;
  • design thinking;
  • co-design;
  • co-production;
  • Partipatory research.

Enquiring about potential PhD supervision

If you’re thinking of applying for one of our PhD programmes and are looking for potential supervisors, please email: listing the names of the supervisors you’ve identified as having expertise in your chosen area, along with your CV and a short research proposal. 

Our Postgraduate Research Team will contact supervisors on your behalf and get back to you. If you have any queries in the meantime, please use the email address above, rather than contacting potential PhD supervisors directly, because they are unable to respond to initial enquiries.


Research profile


    Improving maternity and neonatal care in England: a formative evaluation of the implementation of the Core Competency Framework to improve multi-professional practice

    The CORE Study explores and enhances the implementation and impact of multi-professional maternity and neonatal training in England to reduce variation in care.

    Project status: Starting

    Thumbnail woman and elderly woman smiling
    Better Health & Care Futures

    A world-leading cross-university development in research and education.


    Double win for faculty PhD students in the King's Outstanding Thesis Prize

    Two Faculty PhD students awarded highly competitive prize for their excellent theses.




    Postgraduate Research at King’s webinar

    Professor Glenn Robert, Vice Dean Research and Impact, presents a webinar on Postgraduate Research at King's.


    Working together to improve healthcare services

    How do you improve healthcare services for patients and staff alike? By bringing healthcare professionals, patients, carers and relatives together to identify...

    Four students in discussion seated round a table.


      Improving maternity and neonatal care in England: a formative evaluation of the implementation of the Core Competency Framework to improve multi-professional practice

      The CORE Study explores and enhances the implementation and impact of multi-professional maternity and neonatal training in England to reduce variation in care.

      Project status: Starting

      Thumbnail woman and elderly woman smiling
      Better Health & Care Futures

      A world-leading cross-university development in research and education.


      Double win for faculty PhD students in the King's Outstanding Thesis Prize

      Two Faculty PhD students awarded highly competitive prize for their excellent theses.




      Postgraduate Research at King’s webinar

      Professor Glenn Robert, Vice Dean Research and Impact, presents a webinar on Postgraduate Research at King's.


      Working together to improve healthcare services

      How do you improve healthcare services for patients and staff alike? By bringing healthcare professionals, patients, carers and relatives together to identify...

      Four students in discussion seated round a table.