It was a great honour to receive an invitation from the Court of Appeal to run this technical teach-in session for Lords Justices. My role was to provide the court, in a limited time, with the relatively broad technology context for a complex case. I approached it by reviewing the history of standardisation relevant to the patents that were in dispute and exploring the underlying technological development. Wireless communication technology is developing at a fast pace, and I appreciated the opportunity to delve into some aspects of it with the judges and barristers assigned to the case.”
15 December 2020
King's Professor provides expert advice to Court of Appeal
King's provides expert advice to courts

When a complex case relating to telecommunications patents reached the Court of Appeal, King’s professor of telecommunications, Professor Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei was invited to run a technical ‘teach-in’ for the UK Court of Appeal at the Royal Courts of Justice.
The case concerned a dispute between three high-tech companies on whether mobile communication patents had been breached. This is a highly technical area and the court sought independent technical advice on the underlying technologies in the patents and the respective common standards – the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (‘3GPP’). Professor Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei is an expert in this area, having researched wireless communications and signal processing in both academia and industry.
Commenting on the experience, Professor Shikh-Bahaei said:
King’s Centre for Telecommunications Research was founded in 1994 and has been part of the global ecosystem that has designed and deployed emerging technologies. Research in the centre is focused around four main themes of wireless communications and networking; information and data processing; RF devices for medical applications; and multimedia and immersive technologies.