29 November 2021
Gambling and links to suicide
A recording of the third seminar in this series is available
Gambling and links to suicide
The 40-minute presentation given by Steve Sharman is available to watch. (With thanks to James Blewett, Research Director of Making Research Count, and Jo Neale, Coordinator for Making Research Count at the University of Bedfordshire.)
Dr Steve Sharman, Research Fellow, The National Addiction Centre at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN), at King’s College London (KCL) presented his work to over 120 attendees at this impactful webinar. Steve is a specialist in gambling research and is an academic fellow of the Society for the Study of Addiction at the University of East London, and a King’s Prize Fund Fellow at KCL.
Steve discussed gambling harms in general and presented findings from his recent international literature review about gambling and suicidality. Steve also outlined sources of support available to those affected. Post-presentation questions included: what should the government be doing to record gambling-related suicides; the potential use of screening tools in different health and social care contexts; and the role of industry in regulating gambling.
This webinar was the third event in this series which is being held as part of a NIHR-funded study which is developing a screening question for identifying gambling harms to individuals and affected others and piloting it in three local authorities.
The webinar was chaired by Dr Emily Finch, Clinical Director for Addictions, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.
For more info and for future webinars see our project page or email catherine.forward@kcl.ac.uk.