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04 September 2017

Dr. Ricarda Vidal exhibits collaborative artwork Revolve:R; edition two

CMCI's Dr Ricarda Vidal and collaborator Sam Treadaway are exhibiting their multidisciplinary work Revolve:R; edition two


CMCI's Dr Ricarda Vidal and collaborator Sam Treadaway are exhibiting their multidisciplinary work Revolve:R; edition two, a two-year-long collaboration between artists, writers, filmmakers, a mathematician and a composer. They will be showing works on paper, poems, art films and a musical score at University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, Surrey, until October 07 2017. Anyone interested in the event is invited to join Dr. Vidal for drinks and a chat at the exhibition on 21st September from 6 pm.

Official website here.

In this story

Ricarda Vidal

Senior Lecturer Cultural and Creative Industries