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13 April 2022

Dr Matthew Grubb receives BNA Individual Researcher Credibility Prize

The BNA Credibility Prizes aim to recognise work within the field of neuroscience that reflects outstanding efforts to make neuroscience research as credible as possible.

Dr Matthew Grubb

Dr Matthew Grubb is the recipient of the 2022 British Neuroscience Association Individual Researcher Credibility Prize. This award recognises his work as a group leader at the Centre for Developmental Neurobiology at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience. The Grubb Lab works on activity-dependent plasticity in neuronal circuits, harnessing the special properties of the mammalian olfactory system to study development, adult neurogenesis, and regeneration.

Dr Matthew Grubb is a Reader at the School of Neuroscience. He joined the Centre for Developmental Neurobiology at King’s as a postdoctoral fellow in 2007 and became a Reader in Neuroscience in 2019. As a group leader, Dr Grubb puts forward reproducibility and open science as the main principle guiding his research. This ethos, and the expectations surrounding it, are agreed with all group members. 

His group deposit all their submitted manuscripts as preprints in bioRxiv and publish their work in journals with immediate Open Access. They also make their raw data available to all users in public repositories and ensure any novel resources they develop are freely available.

“I am incredibly honoured to receive the BNA Individual Researcher Credibility Award. Open Science is a central value of my lab and something we’ve worked very hard at, so it’s just amazing to be recognised in this way.”

Dr Matthew Grubb

The British Neuroscience Association (BNA) is the largest UK-based organisation representing and promoting neuroscience and neuroscientists. The BNA Credibility Prizes champion efforts in neuroscience that aim to ensure research is as robust, reliable, replicable, and reproducible as possible. These form part of their continuing effort to create an exciting and sustainable future for the 21st century neuroscience by driving credibility initiatives in neuroscience research.

In this story

Matthew Grubb

Professor in Neuroscience