11 December 2019
Corbett Centre enhances relations with the Brazilian Naval War College with a visit to DSD by RAdm (Retd) Magno
Members of the Brazilian Naval College visit DSD

On the 10th December RAdm Magno from the Brazilian Naval War College visited the Defence Studies Department, accompanied by Professor William de Sousa Moreira to meet with Professors Matt Uttley and Greg Kennedy from the Corbett Centre.
King’s College London has an Memoradum of Understanding with the Brazilian Navy since 2015, covering areas of research and education cooperation. The King’s Corbett Centre for Maritime Studies and the Naval War College (EGN) from the Brazilian Navy are strong partners under this MoU and are looking to strengthen this partnership under this MOU through new initiatives in 2020.
Established in 1914, the Escola de Guerra Naval (EGN) is the Brazilian Naval War College. Located in Rio de Janeiro, the EGN is the institution of higher military studies that prepares officers for command, leadership and operational leadership roles at the highest levels of the Brazilian Navy. The EGN faculty runs established Postgraduate Diploma, Professional Master’s and Professional Doctorate programmes in Maritime Studies. They publish the internationally acclaimed and peer reviewed Journal of the Naval War College (Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval), of which Professor's Uttley and Kennedy are on the Editorial Board.