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Co-creation is when people who will use a service or product are involved in its design and development throughout the process. This applies to Cultural Competency at King's, which is shaped by students and staff alike through the Cultural Competency Co-Creation Steering Group (4C).

The principle of the 4C is to foster collaboration, co-creation, and empowerment. Membership comprises of the university’s cultural competency experts and champions, many of whom have been on King’s journey towards institutional cultural competency from the beginning. We seek to provide an open and supportive platform for networking and peer-support to both colleagues and students who wish to develop these projects.  

Special Interest Groups (SIG)

Members of the 4C can form a SIG to carry out specific research or educational projects. The SIGs foster collaboration across faculties to support student and staff engagement in both education and research on Cultural Competency. Our goal is to share best practices, contribute to King’s internationalisation strategy, and, in the long term, develop CPD courses and provide external consultancy.

King's Health Faculties Cultural Competency SIG

The SIG aims to:

  • Explore current methods of Cultural Competency instruction across King's.
  • Identify how Cultural Competency is developed in students from both campus-based and placement-based programmes in diverse learning environments.
  • Facilitate collaborative research with stakeholders, including academics, clinicians, policy makers, and NHS professionals. The research may involve educational interventions and a deeper exploration of Cultural Competency at multiple levels.
  • Co-chairs: Dr Jia Liu and Dr Flora Smyth Zahra
  • Cultural Competency advisor: Dr Shauangyu Li

Join the 4C

If you would like to become a member of the 4C, please get in touch.

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