Africa Week 2024 | 4-8 March
Theme: "Owning agency: Africa's future and evolving path in the world"
The last five years have seen the world in a state of transition, with Africa itself having to navigate multiple changes. Amid these transitions, Africa has demonstrated its agency across many issues, including peace and security, climate change, health, and technology, among others. During Africa Week 2024, keynote addresses and panels explored how Africans exercise agency in global affairs, their effects, and where it might lead.
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Watch the replay from Africa Week 2024
The topic of the inaugural event of Africa Week 2024 was intended to open the door to interrogation of what Africa’s agency is all about, outside the tight intellectual prism in which it is currently held.
It also discussed how the opportunity of the UN Summit of the future might be seized to reframe African agency.
See the full Africa Week 2024 playlist
Africa Week 2023 | 6-10 March
Theme: Changing Africa in a shifting global landscape
Africa Week 2023 asked, to what extent is Africa’s navigation of its complex contradictions offering opportunities to generate influence in global spheres? What is the situation with various constituencies on the continent currently in spaces of transition? How is projecting Africa’s voice in a global context also in great flux?
Throughout the week, our scholars and partners considered these dynamics across themes, including economic uncertainty, energy crises, violent conflicts and environmental challenges.
Read the full concept note.
Watch the replay from Africa Week 2023
In the keynote lecture, Professor Onikepe Folarin, Professor of Molecular Biology and Genomics at Redeemer's University, examined the significance of African scientists' development of a COVID-19 vaccine in Nigeria.
This talk speaks to transitions in Africa's role in medical innovation as a response to shifting global events and dynamics, particularly around the COVID pandemic, and the complexities around Africa's agency and collaborations.
See the full Africa Week 2023 playlist.
Africa Week 2022 | 3-9 March
Theme: Centring the arts and cultural production: Implications for health, physical and social sciences, and the humanities.
Africa Week 2022 interrogated how the arts and cultural production re(shape) the narratives and knowledge creation across disciplines including health, social sciences and the humanities.
This is a critical space through which African voice and agency has been platformed on a global scale. Through fashion, music, literature, art, photography and film many Africans have staked a claim on the global stage and have used these tools to engage in pertinent discourses.
This theme connects with global ambition for centring creativity in socioeconomic transition and change with the UN declaration of 2021 as the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development.
Read the full concept note
Watch the replay from Africa Week 2022
A conversation between renowned Fashion Designer, Ituen Basi, and Professor 'Funmi Olonisakin, African Leadership Centre and Vice Principal and Vice President International at King's College London. The two discuss how Fashion and the Arts, more widely, serve as connectors across themes including history, culture, education, geographies and value with a focus on Africa in the world.
See the full Africa Week 2022 playlist
Watch the replay from Africa Week 2020
Professor David Olusoga (University of Manchester) and Professor 'Funmi Olonisakin (King's) discuss the legacies that have brought us to this moment, drawing on the importance of global black histories in understanding contemporary struggles. Set against the backdrop of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and the COVID-19 pandemic, this year has seen the emergence of a renewed struggle for justice.
See the full Africa Week 2020 playlist
Archives Collections Manager at King's, Kate O'Brien, takes us through a selection of historical pamphlets, booklets and maps which tell us about the relationship between Britain and Africa during the 20th century. Find out more