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Join us for a book launch for Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse’s The Convoy, published on 27 February by Open Borders Press. The Convoy is a memoir – originally written in French and published last January by Flammarion – which examines the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, from which the author escaped at the age of fifteen. More than a decade later, when the author was a successful writer living in France, it became very important to her to reconstruct her story through the photographs and videos of her and her mother that were taken at the border crossing, and to speak to the people who were instrumental in setting up the convoy that brought her and other children to safety. Now she has done so, and documents the process in The Convoy.
“The Convoy is a tour de force, giving equal weight to individual and collective experience with unparalleled clarity, dignity, and lightness of touch. But I believe that it does more, and better, than that. The Convoy represents literature at its finest from the first sentence to the last” –
“A superb act of defiance and an unexpected gift to the world. It reclaims the right to individualise the genocide against the Tutsi and offers a powerful alternative to resilience stories” –
This book is closely related to the Africa Week Theme of Disrupting Distances: Nations, Systems and Leadership. Creative writing serves the important role of archiving and documenting the actions and commitments of people in reclaiming humanity and closing distances between destruction and devastation, safety and belonging. The Convoy is a critical contribution to this universal experience, especially as conflict and destruction continues in Sudan, the Middle East and Ukraine.
This event will begin with a presentation of the book by the author, followed by interactive discussion with a co-host/chair. Audience participation is welcome and encouraged.
Author: Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse.
Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse is a critically acclaimed Rwandan novelist and poet, fluent in English, and travelling to the UK for a series of events, and to conduct radio and press interviews. She was born in Butare in Rwanda in 1979. She was fifteen when she survived the genocide against the Tutsi. She is also the winner of the the Grand Prix de l’Héroïne Madame Figaro (non-fiction category), the Prix Montluc Résistance et Liberté (special jury prize) and the Prix France Télévisions 2024 (non-fiction category); shortlisted for the Prix du Livre Inter and the Prix Inrockuptibles.
The Convoy, which is to be launched at this event, is coming out this Spring. Her first two novels – All Your Children Scattered and Consolée won multiple prizes in France. Along with Gaël Faye and Scholastique Mukasonga, Zoe Norridge believes her to be one of the most important Rwandan writers today.
Co-Host: Dr Michael Flavin
Dr Michael Flavin is a Reader in Global Education in the African Leadership Centre.
Michael holds a degree, three master’s degrees and two doctorates: one in nineteenth-century literature and culture (University of Kent, 1999); and one in Education with a specialism in technology enhanced learning (Open University, 2014).
He has taught at a range of UK universities since 1999. His published work on technology enhanced learning strategies was translated into Chinese and was runner-up in the Association for Learning Technology’s Research Project of the Year 2018. His work has also been translated into Italian.
Shuvai Busuman Nyoni:
Shuvai is a Gender, Peace and Security Practitioner and researcher. She currently serves as the Executive Director of the African Leadership Centre (ALC), Nairobi, Kenya. The ALC is a research and training initiative that focuses on nurturing next generation African leaders, thinkers and practitioners within the peace, security and development sector.
She has worked extensively with a range of regional and national policy makers, civil society actors and academics in post-conflict and transitional countries on the African continent.
Shuvai’s work also includes investigation and documentation of sexual and gender-based violence in conflict settings. Shuvai is undertaking a PhD in Leadership and Security Studies at the University of Pretoria and King’s College London; she serves on the Advisory Board of the United Nations Human Security Trust Fund.
He is the author of two books on technology enhanced learning, two on nineteenth-century literature, and two novels: The Voice Hearer (2024) and One Small Step (2022). He is also editor-in-chief of Research in Learning Technology.
Michael peer reviews for a range of high-impact publications and reviews book proposals for Palgrave Macmillan, Routledge and Open University Press.
About King's Africa Week
Hosted by the African Leadership Centre and Africa research group, Africa Week is an annual celebration of research, education and outreach activities on Africa.
King's Africa Week brings together academics, researchers and students from across King's – and offers the opportunity to hear from African scholars, leaders and thinkers. It also showcases King's collaboration with African universities and partners.
Find out more about Africa Week
Event details
River RoomStrand Campus
Strand, London, WC2R 2LS