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Biomedical Science (SUSTech - King’s Joint School of Medicine) for students in China BSc

UCAS code: N/A – please apply directly through SUSTech

SUSTech stone 校名石

Key information

Course type:
Single honours at King's plus other award at partner institution
Delivery mode:
On campus
Study mode:
Full time
Four years
Application status:
Start date:
Application deadline:
30 April 2024

This programme is taught on the SUSTech campus in Shenzhen and is aimed at Chinese students. This programme is a joint programme leading to double degree awards from King’s College London and the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech): students take a single programme of study, the successful completion of which leads to separate awards from both King’s and SUSTech. The Biomedical Science programme is an interdisciplinary programme which will give students an understanding of a range of biosciences including biochemistry, genetics, anatomy, cell biology and pharmacology.

Key benefits

  • The programme design offers students a unique experience in being able to obtain two degree awards.
  • King’s is recognised as one of the international leaders in Biomedical Science.
  • The programme is taught by a combination of academic and clinical researchers at the forefront of their field.
  • Graduates from the Biomedical Science programme will be equipped with a variety of transferable skills including data gathering, analysis and interpretation, presentation skills and teamwork.
  • Students will acquire experience of practical laboratory sessions; multi-disciplinary teamworking; preparing and giving oral presentations; using computational tools and packages; working independently; time -management; and assessing ethical issues.
  • It is anticipated that the programme will have strong links with industries local to SUSTech in Shenzhen providing opportunities for guest lecturers and possibly summer internships.


This programme will equip graduates with a good foundation for a career in scientific research or employment in industry in biochemistry and allied fields. The programme also provides a basis for continued to study in areas such as medicine, dentistry and other related fields including pharmaceutical sciences, cardiovascular pharmacology and biomedical research


This programme will equip graduates with a good foundation for a career in scientific research or employment in industry in biochemistry and allied fields. The programme also provides a basis for continued to study in areas such as medicine, dentistry and other related fields including pharmaceutical sciences, cardiovascular pharmacology and biomedical research

Key information

Course type:
Single honours at King's plus other award at partner institution
Delivery mode:
On campus
Study mode:
Full time
Four years
Application status:
Start date:
Application deadline:
30 April 2024

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