University of Oslo Summer School
About the Institution
International Summer School (ISS) at the University of Oslo has offered intensive summer courses since 1947. A total of over 30,000 students from more than 150 countries have attended our programme. As in earlier years, the evaluations from last year’s students were very positive, giving testimony of six weeks of academic achievement combined with a rich social environment and activities programme. You can choose from a wide range of Bachelor’s courses, focusing on Norwegian language and various aspects of Norwegian culture and society, as well as a number of Master’s courses dealing with topics of broad international interest. The courses adopt a comparative perspective, where the Norwegian case may serve as a basis for discussion. Courses are based on active student participation, and many of them include field visits. The ISS has also been involved in a number of special dialog and confidence-building projects for participants from conflict areas, e.g. the Middle East, the Balkans and the Caucasus region.
Applications for the Global Summer Exchange Programme 2025 have now closed. This page will be updated with information on Summer 2026 from November 2025.
Who can apply?
The University of Oslo International Summer School is open to undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research students.
Courses offered
Students can take courses in a range of subject areas at both BA and MA levels. Students can also choose to take Norwegian language courses. Course information can be found below.
Programme dates
The courses on offer at the University of Oslo International Summer School (ISS) will run from the following dates: BA & MA Level Courses (3 Weeks): Monday 30th June 2025 - Friday 25th July 2025 Norwegian Courses (6 Weeks): Monday 23rd June 2025 - Friday 1st August 2025
Application deadlines
If you wish to apply for a place on the University of Oslo International Summer School you will need to submit your Global Summer Exchange Application by Sunday 19th January 2025, by 11:59pm If your application is successful, you will be required to apply directly to the University of Oslo by Saturday 1st March 2025.
What are the costs?
There are a no programme fees, but students will be charged for accommodation, and the cost will vary depending on the length of the course. ISS housing will be approximately 29 500 NOK (approx. 2,100 GBP at the time of publishing). Please note, the University of Oslo will offer a very small number of off-campus scholarships and these will only be offered to successful postgraduate taught students. Students who are successful in their application will receive a tuition fee waiver, but will be responsible for all other costs, including, flights, accommodation, visas, health/medical insurance (if compulsory), living expenses and those listed on this webpage.
Off-campus accommodation is provided to International Summer School 2025 attendees. More information can be found in the below.
Eligibility, exclusions and restrictions
For most students applying to BA level courses, secondary school documentation will be sufficient. Some students may need at least 1 year university studies or more which needs to have been completed prior to the application deadline. For our MA level courses, students will need at least a completed BA in order to apply. There are also English language requirements, but any student who has completed their secondary school in the UK, or has at least 1 year of university studies in the UK, will be exempt from the English test. Documentation requirements can be found in the link below. We have been advised that due to Norwegian government restrictions, applicants with education from the following countries will not be granted a visa/admission unless their education is already accepted by the Norwegian government through a separate process. The list of countries are: Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Liberia, Libya, Sierra Leone or Somalia and Yemen, In addition to this, we have been notified that it will also be challenging for applicants from Russia to apply for a visa. Please note, these restrictions are set by the Norwegian government and not the Global Mobility Office. More information can be found in the link below. The information on this webpage is accurate for 2025 entry.
Estimated living costs
Actual expenses may vary depending on student lifestyle. The cost of travel to and from the country is not included in these estimates.

University of Oslo
The University of Oslo (UiO) is a highly ranked European university which offers a wide range of courses taught in English.