University of Oslo
About the Institution
Located in the north, the University of Oslo was established in 1811 as the first in Norway. Oslo has a strong track record of pioneering research and scientific discovery and is the highest ranked institution of education and research in the country. Students can choose from over 800 courses in English at all levels. The University is mainly based on one campus with 8 faculties and nearly 27,000 students. As at 2012, the number of international students was approximately 3500. There are numerous cultural and social activities on offer to make the full student experience pleasant, interesting and stimulating. Oslo is one of King's Circle U. partners - for more information please see the King's Circle U. webpages.
Estimated living costs
Estimated living costs have been suggested by the university,but actual expenses may vary depending on student lifestyle. The cost of travel to and from the country is not included in these estimates.

University of Oslo
The University of Oslo (UiO) is a highly ranked European university which offers a wide range of courses taught in English.