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University of Geneva (Summer School)

About the Institution

Founded in 1559, the University of Geneva enjoys worldwide recognition and ranks among the top 100 best universities in the world. A versatile institution, it fosters the emergence of inter and multidisciplinary fields in both research and teaching. It constantly strengthens its links with international Geneva, whilst contributing to the cultural, social and economic development of the region, notably through the promotion of research and its expertise in a wide range of fields. The programme offers a diversity of pluridisciplinary summer schools for students and junior professionals from all horizons, at the gateway of the international Geneva.

Applications for the Global Summer Exchange Programme 2025 have now closed. This page will be updated with information on Summer 2026 from November 2025.

Who can apply?

The University of Geneva Summer School programme is open to undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research students.

Courses offered

The University of Geneva are offering a courses in a variety of subject areas. Courses are still yet to be finalised however, you can have a look at last years course list, via the link below. Please note the WIPO-UNIGE Intellectual Property and Submerged Prehistoric Landscapes courses are not on the list for exchange students with a full fee waiver. Details of courses suitable for MA students can be found in the Global Summer Exchange 2025 - website documents folder, linked below. Please note you will need to log in using your KCL credentials. As part of the application to the Global Mobility Office, students must indicate their course preference on the internal application form first. King's can only allocate up to 2 students per course, so this will be confirmed with successful students once they have been allocated a space on the programme.

Programme dates

The courses on offer at Geneva Summer School run on varying dates, from June - Early September. This is dependent on the study area, and courses can last between 1-3 weeks. Please check the Geneva Summer School - 2025 course list linked on this webpage for more detailed information.

Application deadlines

If you wish to apply for a place at the University of Geneva Summer School, you will need to submit your Global Summer Exchange Application by Sunday 19th January 2025, by 11:59pm. If your application is successful, you will be required to apply directly to the University of Geneva by Tuesday 15th April 2025.

What are the costs?

There are no fees associated with the Geneva Summer School programme, Geneva Summer School have provided a rough breakdown of budget indications for a student studying in Geneva for one week: 1. Housing: Shared accommodation or hostel dormitory: CHF 40-80 per night (approximately CHF 280-560 for one week) Airbnb private room or budget hotel: CHF 70-120 per night (approximately CHF 490-840 for one week) 2. Food: Groceries for cooking at home: CHF 50-100 for one week Eating out at budget-friendly restaurants: CHF 15-30 per meal (approximately CHF 105-210 for one week) 3. Public Transport: Weekly transport pass (unireso): CHF 26 (valid for all zones within Geneva Canton) Single ticket: CHF 3 (valid for 60 minutes) 4. Leisure: Free activities (e.g., exploring parks, visiting museums on free days): No cost Paid activities (e.g., movie tickets, entry fees for attractions): CHF 10-20 per activity Student should keep in mind that these are approximate costs and actual expenses may vary based on individual preferences and lifestyle choices. Additionally, it's always a good idea to research and compare prices to find the best deals and discounts available. Students who are successful in their application will receive a tuition fee waiver, but will be responsible for all other costs, including, flights, accommodation, visas, health/medical insurance (if compulsory), living expenses and those listed on this webpage.


Accommodation is not offered as part of all courses, but can be arranged through the Summer School office for some. Please check on the course page to see whether accommodation is included in the course package you are interested in applying for. Please note: Accommodation is booked from Saturday to Saturday. Check-in on Saturday prior to the course start and check-out on Saturday after the course ends. Where accommodation is not included in the course package, Geneva Summer Schools can help facilitate your search. You will be provided with a list of accommodation options and can be connected with other admitted students also looking for somewhere to stay. Students are recommended to start looking for accommodation in student residences, some of which empty out in the summer. They also recommend beginning searching for accommodation as soon as students are accepted into the programme, applying for numerous accommodation options, and following their applications closely. Please check the Geneva Summer School accommodation information link below for more information.

Eligibility, exclusions & restrictions

Please find the terms & conditions of attendance and entry requirements.

The information on this webpage is accurate for 2025 entry.

Estimated living costs

Actual expenses may vary depending on student lifestyle. The cost of travel to and from the country is not included in these estimates.

University of Geneva
University of Geneva's international strategy is set through internationalising our course offerings & continuously nurturing our close ties to IOs and NGOs

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