University of Geneva
About the Institution
The University of Geneva (UNIGE) is an institution devoted to research, teaching and dialogue. It is the site of academic creativity and the transmission of knowledge. Since its foundation in 1559 the UNIGE has developed ever higher ethical standards and steadily increased in quality and the will to innovation. The UNIGE also shares the international calling of its host city, Geneva, a centre of international and multicultural activities with a venerable cosmopolitan tradition. Its desire to expand its collaboration with partner institutions and broaden its appeal to researchers and students from around the world has made the UNIGE a "globalised university", a meeting place for academic disciplines and various cultures, and a forum for ideas.
Important information: the final decision on your application rests entirely with the host institution. Students outside the French department will need to obtain 60 percent in their end of year exams in order to be able to go on the exchange programme.
Estimated living costs
Estimated living costs have been suggested by the university,but actual expenses may vary depending on student lifestyle. The cost of travel to and from the country is not included in these estimates.

University of Geneva
University of Geneva's international strategy is set through internationalising our course offerings & continuously nurturing our close ties to IOs and NGOs