University of Coimbra
About the Institution
The University of Coimbra is an indisputable reference in higher education and research in Portugal, due to the quality of the courses taught at its eight Faculties and to the advances achieved in pure and applied research in various areas of knowledge, in Portugal and in the world. Coimbra offers its 20,000+ students a wide and comprehensive group of graduate and postgraduate courses and doctorate programmes, as well as specific life-long training programmes. Coimbria has a teaching staff of about 1,200, whose high quality is widely recognised. Eight faculties and an Institute for Interdisciplinary Research constitute the organic units of the University and the head offices for the generation of Knowledge.
Estimated living costs
Estimated living costs have been suggested by the university,but actual expenses may vary depending on student lifestyle. The cost of travel to and from the country is not included in these estimates.

University of Coimbra
The University of Coimbra has a reputation for the quality of the courses taught at its 8 Faculties and for the advances achieved in pure and applied research