Università ca Foscari di Venezia
About the Institution
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice teaches approximately 20,000 students and covers four large scientific and cultural areas (corresponding to the four Faculties in force until 2010): Economics, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Humanities, and Sciences. Foscari offers English-taught programmes and double/joint degrees, which along with numerous cooperation agreements with European and extra-European institutions and universities, enrich the international focus that has always been a feature of the university, increasing the mobility of students, researchers and professors.
Estimated living costs
Estimated living costs have been suggested by the university,but actual expenses may vary depending on student lifestyle. The cost of travel to and from the country is not included in these estimates.

Università ca Foscari di Venezia
Ca' Foscari was the first Italian institution to deal with advanced education in Business and Economics.