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Master of Science in International Addiction Studies (IPAS) MSc

book a one-to-one, 15-minute online session with Professor Leonie Brose, the programme lead for MSc International Addiction Studies (IPAS). These exclusive sessions are the perfect opportunity to learn more about the course, ask any questions you have, and gain expert advice tailored to your academic or career goals.

Sessions run every Friday between 1 and 1:45 until the end of May. Book your place here.


The Master of Science in International Addiction Studies (IPAS) course offers students cross‐cultural exposure to critical prevention and treatment practices, as well as research and policy issues in the field of addiction. This programme provides unique opportunities to study addiction in its broadest sense and examine key issues from an international perspective.

Key benefits

  • A unique programme that focuses on the similar international trends in policy, global epidemiology of substance-related morbidity and mortality, and evidence-based treatment and prevention practices.
  • Exclusive online access to lectures produced exclusively for the course by International experts in the addictions field.
  • Course members are considered students of all three universities concurrently with access to all online resources available from each of the partners.
  • You will receive personalised support from our dedicated module leaders throughout the course.
  • Course graduates will receive a triple-badge diploma jointly conferred by the three teaching institutions.



Graduates from this programme have taken leadership roles in clinical settings, working as drug workers, substance misuse nurse specialists, psychologists, addiction psychiatrists and managers of addiction services.

Our graduates have also taken policy positions in national and international organisations, while others have undertaken further academic research and gone on to complete a PhD or a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.



Graduates from this programme have taken leadership roles in clinical settings, working as drug workers, substance misuse nurse specialists, psychologists, addiction psychiatrists and managers of addiction services.

Our graduates have also taken policy positions in national and international organisations, while others have undertaken further academic research and gone on to complete a PhD or a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.

Application closing date guidance


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