The Autoimmune Liver Disease group focuses on understanding the fundamental mechanisms underpinning Autoimmune liver disease (AILD) and developing immunotherapeutic approaches for its treatment.
King’s College Hospital hosts one of Europe’s largest hepato-pancreato-biliary cancer clinical services.
The aim of Hepatocyte transplantation is to bring the benefits of excellent research to our patients by translating basic discoveries into new therapies
A translational research group focused on developing novel immunomodulatory therapies to ameliorate inflammation and induce immunological tolerance in liver diseases and transplantation.
The Liver Molecular Genetics laboratories form part of the South East Genomics Laboratory Hub, providing specialist genetic testing services for a range of gastric and hepatic diseases.
The Kyrana Lab is a new and developing lab studying the effects of liver disease on metabolism, body composition and nutrition of children with acute or chronic liver disease. The aim is to describe the mechanisms underlying these effects and identify novel target/ pathways for therapeutic intervention with an ultimate goal to improve longer term outcomes for children with liver disease.
The Shawcross Lab focuses on the immune-gut-liver-brain axis and developing interventions which normalise the abnormal gut microbiome for patients.
TRCE’s mission is to unlock the fundamental mechanisms central to an organ’s regenerative capacity and to develop novel therapeutics which can augment biological function.
The Viral Hepatitis group is focused on immunopathogenesis of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis B and hepatitis D virus co-infection
Clinical Lecturer in Viral Hepatitis
Honorary and Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Consultant in Paediatric Hepatology
Principal Investigator and Lecturer (Adj/Hon)
Professor of Hepatology & Consultant Hepatologist, Corporate Medical Dir. Strategy - King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Clinical Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Hepatology
Reader in Liver Immunopathology
Reader in Experimental Medicine
Director of Roger Williams Institute of Liver Studies
Principal Investigator and Lecturer (Adj/Hon)
Consultant Hepatologist (KCH); Principal Investigator (FLR); Adjunct Reader in Hepatology (KCL)
Team Leader & Adjunct (Hon) Lecturer
Group Leader, The Francis Crick Institute and Honorary Consultant Transplant Surgeon, Kings College Hospital
Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Career Development Fellow Honorary Consultant Transplant Hepatologist
Professor of Hepatology
Professor of Hepatology and Chronic Liver Failure
PhD Student
Professor of Molecular Hepatology
Principal Investigator & Senior Lecturer
Consultant Histopathologist - King's College Hospital
Senior Lecturer
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Foundation for Liver Research
King's Adult Liver Research Biobank
The Institute of Liver Studies Liver Research Tissue Bank is a HTA licensed service at King's College Hospital NHS Trust encompassing both Adult and Paediatric Biobanks, with approval to collect, store and distribute anonymised biological samples and clinical data from consented donors. Collected samples from the adult and paediatric liver services and the corresponding clinical data are made available to local and external research groups, and can be accessed by way of application. We have established pathways for the collection and distribution of fresh and frozen tissue, as well as FFPE material and a wide variety of other tissue types.
For all enquiries, please contact the Biobank Manager via email
Public Engagement
LISTEN Support Group – Liver transplant support group (Paul Mckie)
What is Listen?
The Listen support network was launched in 2006 by professionals within the King’s College Hospital’s Liver Transplant Unit, and in partnership with post-transplant patients. Research and experience has shown that it can be helpful and reassuring for patients, their relatives and friends, to meet with someone who has had a liver transplant, see how well they are adjusting, to ask questions about the process and ultimately provide support where appropriate.
What does Listen do?
- Monthly group support meetings for patients and their families via Zoom
- Peer support via One-to-one conversations, face-to-face or by phone, email, text or by virtual means.
- Patient Mentors can visit the ward once weekly.
- Social media presence via the Facebook Group
- Listen Lodges (inexpensive rooms near hospital are available for both transplant patients and relatives).