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Research Centres & Groups


Africa Research Group

The Africa Research Group provides a hub for Africa-focused research within the War Studies Department and across the College.

Arts & Conflict Hub

The Arts & Conflicts hub uses artistic mediums to communicate, teach and research the complexities of conflict

Centre for Defence Studies

CDS is a world-leading Centre for Defence and security research, thought-leadership, consultancy and executive development run by director Professor John Gearson.

Centre for Grand Strategy

The Centre for Grand Strategy seeks to bring a greater degree of historical and strategic expertise to statecraft, diplomacy and foreign policy.

Centre for the Study of Divided Societies

The Centre for the study of Divided Societies provides a global focal point for teaching and research on ethno-national problems that divide and unite societies across the modern world.

Children, Youth, Peace and the Arts

Children, Youth, Peace and the Arts (CYPA) connects researchers and practitioners to explore how the arts are used in peacebuilding efforts for and with children and youth.

Centre for Conflict & Health Research

Cross disciplinary initiative studying the intersection of global health, security, and political governance in conflict-affected fragile states and regions.