Resilience, Ethnicity & AdolesCent Mental Health
The Resilience, Ethnicity & AdolesCent Mental Health (REACH) study aims to understand the impact that social circumstances and experiences have on young people’s mental health as they grow up in south London
We examine the developmental origins of mental health problems among adolescents from diverse social and ethnic backgrounds. To achieve this, we are conducting, in south London (UK), a school-based accelerated cohort study. To investigate novel questions on the developmental origins of mental health problems in adolescents we are collecting extensive data at each time point: a) on a range of mental health problems; b) on a range of risk and protective factors, and c) in a nested sub-sample, on putative psychological and biological (i.e., HPA axis related) mechanisms.
We further seek to examine the impact of the pandemic on the mental health of the young people in our cohort, namely whether there is any evidence of variation in impacts by social and ethnic group, by pre-existing risks (e.g., prior mental health problems), and by the direct consequences of Covid-19, social restrictions, and school closures.
Public involvement and engagement
The meaningful engagement and involvement of young people from disadvantaged and marginalised groups, schools serving diverse inner-city communities, and the wider public is central to our work. We work with young people, schools, and our community partners, BigKid Foundation, McPin Foundation, and Black Thrive, to co-produce and disseminate our research and to engage widely with stakeholders and the general public. Below are a series of links to selected outputs from our engagement programme.
A full summary of REACH's engagement activities and testimonials is available HERE
Creative outputs from our Young People Community Champions:
- Covid-19 diary project - young people's experiences in lockdown video
- REACH Festival for young people video
- REACH Study blogs created by young people
- REACH Study Podcasts created by young people
- REACH funding proposal explained by young people (proposal under review)
Mental health awareness materials:
- Young people's reflections on supporting adolescent mental health beyond the pandemic
- REACH Study Virtual Work Experience Placements
Science exhibitions, festivals and conferences:
- Youth Mental Health and Covid-19: What do we know and what should we do (March 2021)
- ESRC Festival of Social Sciences: London in Lockdown: Young people's perspectives on green space, housing and wellbeing (November 2021)
- ESRC Festival of Social Sciences: Young voices: a collaborative approach to sharing findings from the REACH Study (November 2020)
- Royal Society Summer Exhibition: eMental health for the iGeneration (July 2017)
Community festivals:
- Festival for Young People. Looking Ahead: Young People and Wellbeing Post-Covid (November 2021)
- #REACHOut - Shining a light on adolescent mental health (September 2016)
Media engagement:
- Resilience, Ethnicity and Adolescent Mental Health (REACH) Project, ACAMH podcasts (July 2022)
- Adolescent mental health in a time of COVID, World: We Got This podcast (July 2021)
- Virtual Reality in Mental Health Research, Tech Tent, BBC Sounds (May 2019)
- Live at the Hay Festival, BBC Click (June, 2018)
- Virtual Reality for Anxiety, Sky News YouTube Channel (July 2017)

Principal Investigator
Project websites
Funding Body: European Research Council
Amount: £1,579,823.00
Period: September 2015 - February 2021