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Responsible AI UK

RAI UK: An international ecosystem for responsible AI research and innovation

While advances in artificial intelligence bring great benefits, they are not without their negative effects. The Responsible AI UK programme is an open, multidisciplinary network of researchers, industry professionals, policy makers, communities, and civil society organisations, all working together to ensure that AI development and deployment is carried out with due care and responsibility.

Funded by UKRI’s Technology Missions Fund, which has invested £31 million into the 5 year programme, RAI UK conducts research and awards grants to further work on responsible AI. The programme is led by the University of Southampton, and represents all four nations of the UK, with involvement from King’s, UCL, Queen’s University Belfast, and the Universities of Nottingham, Cambridge, Glasgow and Swansea.

With its home in Arts & Humanities and Digital Futures Institute at King’s, academics from Digital Humanities, Informatics, and Health are shaping RAI UK’s work. Dr Kate Devlin, leads the Creative and Outreach strand, while Informatics’ Dr Caitlin Bentley runs the Skills Programme, and Prof Sana Khareghani leads on Policy and Public Engagement. Prof Prokar Dasgupta from the Peter Gorer Department of Immunobiology sits on the RAI UK Leadership team.

RAI UK is creating an ecosystem where people can feel heard and seen, even — or, perhaps, especially — when those voices come from early career researchers, from outside the academy, or when they challenge long held assumptions about what makes AI trustworthy and responsible.

To access the Programme webpage, please click here.

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