The Qualitative Research Group is home to an interdisciplinary team of methodologists comprising social scientists, experts by experience, and health practitioners who are passionate about using qualitative methods to understand and improve the experiences of services users and staff. Broadly, our research priorities include:
- The rigorous application of qualitative methods to understand and improve health, health interventions and care e.g. intervention design/ development, feasibility & piloting, process evaluations, end of trial evaluation, service evaluation
- Qualitative research that prioritises the lived experiences and perspectives of disadvantaged and marginalised populations e.g. research that prioritises perspectives that have been obscured or hidden, participatory research, services user research, qualitative research on sensitive issues
- The application of innovative research methods e.g. digital diaries, PhotoVoice, walking interviews, participatory approaches, arts-based methods
The Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre (QUAHRC) at King’s College London
The Qualitative Research Group hosts the Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre (QUAHRC) at King’s College London, which promotes the rigorous and innovative application of qualitative research within the health field, raising the visibility of high-quality qualitative research and providing opportunities for knowledge exchange, training and support. Join the QUAHRC mailing list to stay up to date with qualitative health research resources and events.
Raising the Visibility of High-Quality Qualitative Research
QUAHRC at King’s aims to showcase the depth and breadth of applied qualitative health research within the QUAHRC and across King’s College London more widely. Its purpose is to connect qualitative researchers and stimulate debate around qualitative theory, methods and practice, to consolidate and expand the rigorous application of qualitative methods within the health field.
Knowledge Exchange & Networking
QUARHC at King's draws together researchers from different disciplines with wide ranging expertise in applied qualitative health research that seeks to improve health and social care and population health, creating a network of qualitative researchers across King’s College London.
Qualitative Training & Support
QUAHRC at King’s is open to all who are currently conducting or wish to learn how to conduct rigorous qualitative research, or explore new, innovative approaches to research. We aim to support junior researchers and build research capacity through providing advice, training, and opportunities for networking.
NIHR Research Support Service (RSS)
The NIHR King’s College London (Mental Health & Neuroscience) Research Support Service (RSS) is a national centre of excellence for research methodology in psychiatry, psychology and neuroscience. The Qualitative Research Group provides expert advice on the design and conduct of qualitative research through the RSS, supporting researchers in seeking funding to conduct mental health research, supporting skill development and advancing research methodology. Please visit the NIHR RSS website for more information.