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Our diverse team consists of clinical and non-clinical primary care team researchers.

At present, our structure consists of:

  • 2 Professors
  • 1 Reader
  • 2 Senior Lecturers
  • 1 Lecturer (NIHR)
  • 2 NIHR Doctoral Research Fellows
  • 2 In-Practice Fellows (NIHR)
  • 8 Academic Clinical Fellows (Health Education England)
  • 1 Professor of Medical Education
  • 1 Emeritus Professor of Medicine and Sociology

We currently first supervise 5 PhD’s, second supervise 3 PhDs and have just (in 2022) celebrated successful award of a further PhD.

We also contribute to the Masters in Public Health (MPH), leading the Primary Care Module and Global Health Modules, also supporting MPH dissertations.

King’s Undergraduate Education in the Community (KUMEC) have pioneered a primary care intercalated BSc for medical students, in which we provide research methods training and dissertation supervision. KUMEC collaboration engages our Group with our respective research interests.

Banner photos from Impact on Urban Health.

Our Partners


National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

NHS confederation

NHS Confederation

NHS Race & Health Observatory logo

NHS Race & Health Observatory

OHID logo

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)

Logo for NNEdPro

NNEdPro Global Centre for Nutrition and Health

NIHR logo

National Institute for Health Research (ARC)

King's Health Partners

King's Health Partners

GSTT charity

Guy’s & St Thomas’ (GSTT) Charity

London Sport logo

London Sport

NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE/I) logo

NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE/I)

NHS South East Genomic Medicine Service Alliances (GMSA) logo

NHS South East Genomic Medicine Service Alliances (GMSA)

Sana Biotechnology logo

Sana Biotechnology

Serious Adverse Events Consortium logo

Serious Adverse Events Consortium

academy of medical sciences logo

The Academy of Medical Sciences

University of Oxford

University of Oxford

Cardiff University

Cardiff University

University of Leeds

University of Leeds

Institute of Public Health Oslo logo

Institute of Public Health Oslo