OveRcoming Adverse ChiLdhood Experiences (ORACLE)
This mixed-methods study is a collaboration between KCL, University of Newcastle, the University of Liverpool and the National Children’s Bureau (NCB). The ORACLE project has two phases, the first focuses on improving understanding of risks, experiences, needs, and outcomes, and the current state of interventions. The second phase focuses on designing a new intervention to improve outcomes for children, young people, and families. Working with the NCB and King’s Policy Institute, ORACLE looks to inform policy in health, social care, education, and criminal justice sectors.
To improve outcomes for children and young people (CYP) experiencing parental mental health problems, substance misuse, domestic violence and abuse, and associated adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and risks, through prevention and improved support.
Phase 1 (‘Explore’), aims to better understand the health and lives of children and young people through 3 work packages (WP): WP1- Qualitative interviews with CYP and their families; WP2- Quantitative analysis of large national datasets; WP3- Analysis of existing literature and systematic review of interventions.
Phase 2 (‘Design’), aims to design better ways to improve outcomes through: WP4- Intervention design workshops; policy lab with key stakeholders.
Project staff from partner universities
University of Liverpool
Newcastle University
- Professor Eileen Kaner - Principal Investigator
- Dr Ruth McGovern
- Dr Simon Hackett
- Dr Simon Barrett
- Cassey Muir
National Children’s Bureau
Our Partners

NIHR Policy Research Programme (PRP)
Principal Investigator
Funding Body: NIHR Policy Research Programme (PRP)
Amount: £1 248 408
Period: February 2020 - March 2023