transCampus funding 2022
"Unraveling epigenetic links between stress and dysregulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis"
Accumulating evidence indicates that adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) plays critical roles in mood regulation. Several challenges in life such as stress, aging, and neurodegenerative diseases impact on AHN. However, respobnsible molecular pathways for the impairment of AHN remain to be identified. The project aims at identifying key molecular links from stress to adult neurogenesis.
transCampus Research Award 2020 for two projects:
- The role of the hippocampal neurogenesis for inter-individual behaviors brain plasticity in mice
- Remodeling nuclear architecture for direct lineage reprogramming of brain glia into neurons
- Prof. Sandrine Thuret
- Prof. Benedikt Berninger
- Dr. Anthony Vernon
- Prof. Dr. Gerd Kempermann
- Prof. Thomas Wallmersperger
- Dr. Tomohisa Toda