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The Unit for Medical Statistics (UMS) is enthusiastic and friendly group of medical statisticians with a broad range of collective expertise who undertake research, consultancy, training and teaching at King’s and beyond.

Our research has several flavours: we collaborate with clinicians and health researchers, taking responsibility for the design and statistical issues of studies by deriving new methods or by adapting existing methods. In addition, many of us have strong clinical/epidemiological interests and enjoy collaborative medical research.

Please see our personal pages for our biographies, publications and grants.

UMS currently includes 10 statisticians. Group members have substantial expertise in early and later phase clinical trials (NIHR, MRC, Welcome Trust, BHF and charities), epidemiological studies, registers and databases and have specific methodological interests in prognostic models, early phase trial design, and biomarkers enrichment/prediction.

Members of the group collaborate in a range of clinical areas within and outside King’s, including stroke, cardiovascular disease, respiratory medicine, infectious disease, liver disease, ophthalmology, paediatrics, sexual health, and dermatology.

All members of UMS contribute to a King’s-wide statistical consultancy and statistical services led by Professor Yanzhong Wang. The statistics service includes a range of support and collaborative ventures within and externally to King’s, including design, analysis and report of clinical trials (RCTs) and large epidemiological studies.

The group contributes to teaching statistics to undergraduates in medicine and postgraduates in public health and other specialities in the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine FoLSM. All the team are part of the Clinical Trials Unit (KCTU) FoLSM Hub led by Prof. Abdel Douiri and form one of the three main statistical groups affiliated to the KCTU.

Our Partners

Additional group members:

  • Mr Bola Coker – Senior Data Manager
  • Mr Hatem Wafa – Research Associate

Collaborative clinical research:

  • King's Clinical Trials Unit:
    We are affiliated to the Kings Clinical Trials Unit (KCTU) and are statistical partners in many early and later phase trials. We also collaborate in clinical trials that are not hosted by the KCTU. For details of this work, please contact us.
  • NIHR Statistics Group:
    The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Statistics Group brings together statisticians and researchers funded by the NIHR from all over the country. This group is lead by Dawn Teare (University of Newcastle) and Catey Bunce. Please see the group website for up to date information on events.
  • Kings Imaging Technology Evaluation (KiTEC):
    The KiTEC programme supports the work of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) by assessing imaging technology with the aim of helping the NHS adopt efficient and cost effective technology more rapidly and consistently.

Group leads

Contact us

Unit for Medical Statistics
Department of Population Health Sciences
School of Life Course & Population Sciences
Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine
Kings College London
Guy’s Campus,
Addison House
London SE1 1UL