MDENet: The expert network for Model-Driven Engineering
The EPSRC network MDENet brings together research and practice in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) in the UK and internationally. We will do this by:
- generating new, high impact research collaborations and projects driven by the software industry or by stakeholders from other subject areas that could benefit from MDE (e.g., artificial intelligence, computational biology);
- producing and curating comprehensive MDE training material and delivering it through a range of training activities; and
- increasing awareness, and thus impact, of MDE research and technology in the software industry.
This is an expert network funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. You can find more detailed information, public resources and access to the membership area from the official network website. As we ramp up network activities over the coming weeks and months, this web page will grow and offer increasingly more content. If you are interested in learning more about the network and about opportunities for you, please sign up to the MDENet mailing list.
Professor Perdita Stevens, Personal Chair in Mathematics of Software Engineering at the University of Edinburgh, is the project's co-investigator.
Our Partners

Institute of Coding
Principal Investigator
Project websites
Funding Body: The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
Amount: £463,076.18
Period: January 2021 - December 2023