Maternal Oral Health and Dental care access Enablers: the MODE exploratory study
Oral health is important for mothers and babies. We are interested in better understanding on the reasons that either help or make it difficult for pregnant women and new mothers to use and receive dental care services.

The objective of this study is to explore the views of women receiving ante and/or postnatal care, and their partners, together with health professionals (midwives, health visitors and members of local dental teams) on oral health and dental care access. This will include the multiple factors that hinder or enable women at this phase of life to access and use dental care services.
Trials Design
Interviews and focus groups
Poor oral health during pregnancy can have a profound impact on the health of the mother and baby. There is a strong link between poor maternal oral health, dental care use and adverse pregnancy outcomes (e.g. preterm birth; low birth weight babies), poor maternal quality of life, and poor infants' oral health (e.g. early childhood caries).
Our Partners

University of Warwick
Principal Investigator
Funding Body: King's Together Seed Fund
Amount: £19,439.10
Period: January 2020 - June 2022
Contact us
Research Assistant:
Dr Candy Salomon (Monday-Wednesday)
Research Assistant in Dental Public Health
Lead Investigator:
Professor Jennifer E Gallagher MBE
Newland-Pedley Professor of Oral Health Strategy
Honorary Consultant in Dental Public Health
King’s College London Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences
Denmark Hill Campus, Bessemer Road,
London, United Kingdom, SE5 9RS
Tel: 020 3299 3481/4454