India’s politics in its vernaculars
The 'India's politics in its vernaculars' project is a major international collaboration involving twenty-four scholars of Indian culture, politics and languages.
Together, the team is working to record and analyse the conceptual vocabulary of India’s political life across seventeen Indian languages.
The purpose of the project is not only to capture the most significant features of political language use across the country, but also to build a theoretical vocabulary for analysing Indian politics not in the exogenous terms of Western Political Theory, but in its own terms – using concepts through which Indian political actors themselves conduct and reflect on their politics.

Principal Investigator
Project websites
Funding Body: European Research Council
Amount: 1.5 million Euros
Period: February 2021 - January 2026
Contact us
Anastasia Piliavsky (Principal Investigator):
James Gagen (Project Coordinator):