What is the IBD-BOOST Trial?
Many people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) have troublesome symptoms of tiredness (fatigue), pain and/or urgency to use the toilet. We know that these symptoms can greatly impact people’s everyday lives, so we have developed an online programme to help people with IBD manage these symptoms. We are running a trial to test how well the online programme works. This trial will test whether the online self-management programme can improve one or more of these three symptoms and quality of life.
Who can take part?
This trial is open to people who:
- Have a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or another type of IBD.
- Live in England Scotland or Wales
- Have completed the IBD-BOOST Survey and indicated that they have one or more IBD related symptoms of fatigue, pain and/or urgency.
- Are 18 or over
We are sending out postal and email invites to participate to people in this trial who have completed the IBD-BOOST Survey and indicated that they would be interested in receiving support.
Which NHS Trusts are taking part?
The following hospitals are currently open to recruitment to this study:
- Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (Barnsley Hospital)
- London North West University Hospital NHS Trust (St Mark’s Hospital)
- United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (Lincoln County Hospital or Louth Hospital or Grantham Hospital)
- Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Warrington Hospital or Halton General Hospital)
More Hospitals will be open soon.
Key Dates
- September 2018: Study received ethics approval
- February 2019: Recruitment open
- July 2022: End of recruitment date
- July 2023: End of follow up date
- November 2023: Final report to be published
What organisations are involved?
King’s College London (KCL) and the Pragmatic Clinical trials Unit (PCTU) Queen Mary University of London are working in partnership with London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust (LNWUH). LNWUH is the sponsor for this trial based in the United Kingdom.
Who is organising and funding the research?
Professor Christine Norton is leading an experienced team of doctors, nurses and researchers. The trial is being funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) through their Programme Grants for Applied Research.
Who has reviewed this research?
This trial has been reviewed and given favourable opinion by Surrey Research Ethics Committee (Reference: 19/LO/0750) and has approval from the Health Research Authority.
For Researchers

Principal Investigators
Project websites
Funding Body: National Institute for Health Research
Amount: £2.3 Million
Period: November 2017 - October 2022
Contact us
Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing
Midwifery & Palliative Care
King's College London
James Clerk Maxwell Building
57 Waterloo Road