Global India European Training Network
Global India is a Horizon 2020 funded, Marie Curie European Training Network providing integrated training in research and transferable skills to PhD students focused on four principal themes:
1) Indian democracy and social inequality;
2) external economic relations and trade;
3) India and global environmental politics;
4) external relations – foreign and security policy.
King’s India Institute hosts two PhD students (Shounak Set and Vanita Leah Falcao) as part of the Global India network and is one of six European partner universities, led by Dublin City University. They are joined by six partner universities in India and a number of non-academic partner organisations.
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- PhD project: Shounak Set (PhD supervisors Harsh Pant and Benjamin Kienzle) is working on a project which explores the interface between foreign policy, domestic politics and nuclear proliferation in India by utilizing process tracing to map out policy transformations through a Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA) perspective.
- PhD Project: Vanita Leah Falcao (PhD supervisors Louise Tillin and Raphael Susewind) is working on a project entitled ‘Food Security in India: Sub-nationalism and rights-based social policy’ which explores questions related to democratic contestation, federalism, and social justice in light of the rights-based approach to welfare provisioning adopted in India since 2005.
- Network meeting at King’s, Global India (April 2018): As part of the Second Global India Network Meeting Event hosted at King’s, His Excellency the High Commissioner of India to the UK, Mr YK Sinha delivered a keynote address at an outreach event which explored ‘UK, EU and India Relations in the Context of Brexit’ on April 23rd 2018.
Vanita Leah Falcao, KC Sachin and Sabhil Nath Painkra, ‘Chronic Gaps in Health and Justice’ The Telegraph (India), October 9th 2019
Vanita Leah Falcao, KC Sachin and Sabhil Nath Painkra, ‘How the Centre can Ensure Women Receive Maternity Benefits’, The Wire, 22nd July 2019
Shounak Set, ‘Mission Shakti’, Hindu Business Line July 30th 2019
Harsh Pant and Shounak Set, ‘India’s Leap in Space’, Deccan Herald April 4th 2019

Principal Investigator
Funding Body: European Commission
Amount: £420000.00
Period: April 2017 - March 2021