The Forensic Research Group explores the complex relationship between mental disorders and crime. We use a developmental lifespan perspective to understand the aetiology and development of this relationship, using epidemiological, cognitive psychological and neuroimaging research methods.
The group is led by Nigel Blackwood and Deirdre MacManus, both clinical academics in forensic psychiatry. Our clinical work in forensic services takes place in the Criminal Justice System (police stations, courts, prisons) and in secure forensic services within SLaM.
We teach the next generation of academics and clinical academics in the MSc in Forensic Mental Health
Group meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month at the IoPPN (timetable/meeting alerts via @forensicrg)
Current grants, fellowships, and program grants come from: the Wellcome Trust, the Medical Research Council, the Department of Health (NIHR), the European Union, Forces in Mind Trust and Help for Heroes.

Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy
The Neurochemical Basis of Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy Our first study on the neurochemistry of ASPD and psychopathy will examine the role of oxytocin, a neurochemical involved in social behaviour. In our study we will investigate the effect of oxytocin on ASPD and psychopathy using a range of measures. We will use functional MRI to show how oxytocin, given as a safe nasal spray, effects abnormal brain patterns of emotion recognition and decision-making in these groups. We will also look at other measures, including neuropsychological tests and structural and resting brain scans. Our study is funded by the Wellcome Trust, a world leader in funding cutting-edge neuroscientific research.

Domestic violence and abuse in the military
Improving the understanding and approach to Domestic Violence and Abuse The first of its kind in the UK, our cutting-edge research aims to improve understanding of domestic violence and abuse (DVA) perpetration and victimisation among military personnel and their partners. We work in collaboration with Kings Centre for Military Health Research - the leading civilian UK centre of excellence for military health research and are funded by the National Institute of Health Research - Europe's largest clinical reserach funder and Forces in Mind Trust. Our aim is to make recommendations to policy makers, NHS commissioners and third sector providers about the type of support or services that are most helpful to this population.

Fitness to plead
This project aims to refine our understanding of fitness to plead and address the implications of the Law Commission’s proposals. It aims to determine what the prevalence of unfitness to plead in defendants facing criminal trials would be if those proposals are adopted; the underlying psychiatric and sociodemographic factors that impact on unfitness; and how unfitness should be reliably identified and assessed.
Media Activity
Psychopathic criminals learn differently from punishment cues: CBC News
Psychopaths Have Distinct Brain Structure, Study Finds: Hufffngton Post
Nigel Blackwood explains antisocial personality disorder, psychopathy and what his team’s new brain-scanning study has revealed: The Lancet (podcast)
Why a lack of empathy is the root of all evil: The Independent
Violent soldiers: interview with Dr Deirdre MacManus: ITV News
Soldiers more likely to be convicted of violent offences, report reveals: The Guardian
'You don't ever get over it': Meet the British soldiers living with post-traumatic stress disorder: The Guardian
Welfare reform; Crime in the Armed Forces: BBC Radio 4

Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy
The Neurochemical Basis of Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy Our first study on the neurochemistry of ASPD and psychopathy will examine the role of oxytocin, a neurochemical involved in social behaviour. In our study we will investigate the effect of oxytocin on ASPD and psychopathy using a range of measures. We will use functional MRI to show how oxytocin, given as a safe nasal spray, effects abnormal brain patterns of emotion recognition and decision-making in these groups. We will also look at other measures, including neuropsychological tests and structural and resting brain scans. Our study is funded by the Wellcome Trust, a world leader in funding cutting-edge neuroscientific research.

Domestic violence and abuse in the military
Improving the understanding and approach to Domestic Violence and Abuse The first of its kind in the UK, our cutting-edge research aims to improve understanding of domestic violence and abuse (DVA) perpetration and victimisation among military personnel and their partners. We work in collaboration with Kings Centre for Military Health Research - the leading civilian UK centre of excellence for military health research and are funded by the National Institute of Health Research - Europe's largest clinical reserach funder and Forces in Mind Trust. Our aim is to make recommendations to policy makers, NHS commissioners and third sector providers about the type of support or services that are most helpful to this population.

Fitness to plead
This project aims to refine our understanding of fitness to plead and address the implications of the Law Commission’s proposals. It aims to determine what the prevalence of unfitness to plead in defendants facing criminal trials would be if those proposals are adopted; the underlying psychiatric and sociodemographic factors that impact on unfitness; and how unfitness should be reliably identified and assessed.
Media Activity
Psychopathic criminals learn differently from punishment cues: CBC News
Psychopaths Have Distinct Brain Structure, Study Finds: Hufffngton Post
Nigel Blackwood explains antisocial personality disorder, psychopathy and what his team’s new brain-scanning study has revealed: The Lancet (podcast)
Why a lack of empathy is the root of all evil: The Independent
Violent soldiers: interview with Dr Deirdre MacManus: ITV News
Soldiers more likely to be convicted of violent offences, report reveals: The Guardian
'You don't ever get over it': Meet the British soldiers living with post-traumatic stress disorder: The Guardian
Welfare reform; Crime in the Armed Forces: BBC Radio 4