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Following a rigorous round of reviewing, the College Teaching Fund Panel selected 19 projects for funding in the 23/24 academic year, from a total of 40 applications that were submitted. Each CTF application was scored thoroughly by two members of staff from the College and two students with oversight from the CTF fund Chair. Around 20 students from across all Faculties supported the reviewing process and will continue to collaborate with us on the project supporting applicants at various timepoints in the year. An impressive diversity of applications from across all Faculties was received, and eight of our nine faculties as well as King’s Foundations are represented in projects that have been awarded

Abstract image of corridor and blue digital screens
Testing the Frontier - Generative AI in Legal Education and Beyond

Students reading on campus
Exploring literature search and analysis through the lens of AI

People working at desks in open-plan office environment
Designing an AI-Driven Curriculum for Employable Business Students: Authentic Assessment and Generative AI 

Man working on computer screens showing images of brain scans
AI-Powered Single Best Answer (SBA) Automatic Question Generation & Enhanced Pre-Clinical Student Progress Tracking.

Close-up image of someone writing in a notebook
Adaptive learning support platform using GenAI and personalised feedback  

Students in library
Assessment Innovation integrating Generative AI: Co-creating assessment activities with Undergraduate Students

Abstract decorative image of heads
Improving exam questions to decrease the impact of Large Language Models (eg chatGPT) 

A group of students sitting on stairs
Exploring Generative AI in Essay Writing and Marking: A study on Students’ and Educators’ Perceptions, Trust Dynamics, and Inclusivity 

Close-up image of a person writing in a notebook
Student attitudes towards the use of Generative AI in a Foundation Level English for Academic Purposes course and the impact of in-class interventions on these attitudes.  

Group of students sitting on stairs, chatting
Enhancing AI literacy: an online seminar series to explore generative AI in education, research and employment. 

Students in lecture hall
Supporting students to use AI ethically and effectively in academic writing

Three students sitting at desk chatting
Co-designing Encounters with AI in Education for Sustainable Development 

Person conducting desk research
Is this a good research question? 

Close-up image of person writing in notebook
Evaluating an integrated approach to guide students’ use of generative AI in written assessments

Group presenting at event
Evaluating the Reliability and Acceptability of AI Evaluation and Feedback of Medical School Course Work 

Abstract image of brain
AI-Based Automated Assessment Tools for Code Quality

Person holding a laptop in a meeting
ChatGPT-4 into teaching and assessment

Bookshelf with colourful books
Generative AI for critical engagement with the literature

Students in group work
How do students perceive the use of genAI for providing feedback 

Following a rigorous round of reviewing, the College Teaching Fund Panel selected 19 projects for funding in the 23/24 academic year, from a total of 40 applications that were submitted. Each CTF application was scored thoroughly by two members of staff from the College and two students with oversight from the CTF fund Chair. Around 20 students from across all Faculties supported the reviewing process and will continue to collaborate with us on the project supporting applicants at various timepoints in the year. An impressive diversity of applications from across all Faculties was received, and eight of our nine faculties as well as King’s Foundations are represented in projects that have been awarded

Abstract image of corridor and blue digital screens
Testing the Frontier - Generative AI in Legal Education and Beyond

Students reading on campus
Exploring literature search and analysis through the lens of AI

People working at desks in open-plan office environment
Designing an AI-Driven Curriculum for Employable Business Students: Authentic Assessment and Generative AI 

Man working on computer screens showing images of brain scans
AI-Powered Single Best Answer (SBA) Automatic Question Generation & Enhanced Pre-Clinical Student Progress Tracking.

Close-up image of someone writing in a notebook
Adaptive learning support platform using GenAI and personalised feedback  

Students in library
Assessment Innovation integrating Generative AI: Co-creating assessment activities with Undergraduate Students

Abstract decorative image of heads
Improving exam questions to decrease the impact of Large Language Models (eg chatGPT) 

A group of students sitting on stairs
Exploring Generative AI in Essay Writing and Marking: A study on Students’ and Educators’ Perceptions, Trust Dynamics, and Inclusivity 

Close-up image of a person writing in a notebook
Student attitudes towards the use of Generative AI in a Foundation Level English for Academic Purposes course and the impact of in-class interventions on these attitudes.  

Group of students sitting on stairs, chatting
Enhancing AI literacy: an online seminar series to explore generative AI in education, research and employment. 

Students in lecture hall
Supporting students to use AI ethically and effectively in academic writing

Three students sitting at desk chatting
Co-designing Encounters with AI in Education for Sustainable Development 

Person conducting desk research
Is this a good research question? 

Close-up image of person writing in notebook
Evaluating an integrated approach to guide students’ use of generative AI in written assessments

Group presenting at event
Evaluating the Reliability and Acceptability of AI Evaluation and Feedback of Medical School Course Work 

Abstract image of brain
AI-Based Automated Assessment Tools for Code Quality

Person holding a laptop in a meeting
ChatGPT-4 into teaching and assessment

Bookshelf with colourful books
Generative AI for critical engagement with the literature

Students in group work
How do students perceive the use of genAI for providing feedback