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En Route to Recovery: Diversity and Vulnerability in Care Work During And after The Covid-19 Pandemic

‘En Route to Recovery’ (ER2R) focused on employees whose jobs were fundamentally changed by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly those providing individual care in both organisational and home settings.

Care workers’ positions were already insecure prior to COVID-19, but the high demands placed on them during the pandemic led to increased workloads, greater virus exposure, and heightened stress. This had significant consequences on employees’ physical and mental health, which were further worsened by low salaries and the increased cost-of-living.

As a result, the social care sector faced a deepening crisis in both recruitment and retention of staff, exacerbating a myriad of pre-existing challenges for those on ‘the front lines’ of care provision.


We worked closely with teams in South Africa, Finland, and Canada to complete a cross-cultural analysis as part of this project. These teams conducted similar specific national projects and collaborated throughout the research process to explore overarching pressures in care work worldwide, and strengthen our findings and recommendations.

The key research questions for this international collaboration were:

  • What were the major challenges that care workers in vulnerable or precarious situations encountered during the pandemic?
  • What intersectional inequalities were amplified as people narrated their experiences in care work throughout the pandemic?
  • How could the inequalities experienced by care workers in vulnerable or precarious situations be addressed to improve resilience, human sustainability, and workplace well-being?
  • What care-related lessons can be found through narratives across different global contexts that could support recovery from the pandemic and the renewal of care provision?

Find out more about this partnership on the University of Helsinki blog.


Our work specifically analysed how care workers in more vulnerable labour market positions (women, LGBTI2SQ, and migrant status or minority ethnic people) are experiencing these COVID-19 issues in their role, and how they see a post-pandemic future.

We also focused on the cross-generational dimensions to these concerns by recruiting care workers aged under 25 and over 50.


This project used an intersectional approach and longitudinal participatory research methods, including photovoice (where care workers took photos related to their lives and then discussed their significance) and sound-sourcing (where care workers kept audio diaries about their experiences or feelings).

This enabled us to explore care workers’ unique experiences during this time, and uncover the impact of these various and coalescing factors within their individual lives.
