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Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases are a primary cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Diet is a major risk factor for cardio-metabolic health, but is challenging to study in part because metabolic response to diet is highly individualised.

The JPI HDHL DIMENSION consortium investigates dynamically the causal impacts of dietary intake on epigenetic regulation of gene function, and their impact on subsequent cardio-metabolic health outcomes.

Our hypothesis is that the identification of dietary induced epigenetic marks together with epigenetic signatures of cardio-metabolic traits explain inter-individual variability in metabolic response to diet.

Who are we?

The JPI HDHL DIMENSION consortium consists of six international academic partners, funded to explore "Nutrition & the Epigenome" from JPI HDHL under the umbrella of ERA-HDHL. The project is co-ordinated by King’s College London (UK) and partner members include Helmholtz Munich (Germany), Leiden University Medical Center (Netherlands), IMDEA Alimentacion (Spain), INSERM (France), and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München (Germany).

The consortium focuses on Dietary induced methylome and transcriptome dynamics assessing nutrition impacts on cardiovascular and metabolic health


Our Partners

Helmholtz Munich (HMGU):

Melanie Waldenberger, Christian Gieger, Anja Kretschmer, Rory Wilson, Fabian Hellbach

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMUC):

Jakob Linseisen, Fabian Hellbach

Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC):

Bastiaan Heijmans, P Eline Slagboom, Lucy Sinke

IMDEA Alimentacion (IMDEA):

José M. Ordovás, Lidia Daimiel Ruiz

INSERM U974 Center of Research in Myology:

Gillian Butler Browne, Capucine Trollet, Alexis Boulinguiez