Developing the role of Dementia Champions in the homecare sector

Animation (4min 30sec, YouTube): In this animation, we aimed to capture one of the key messages from our study ‘Developing the role of Dementia Champions in homecare’. Homecare workers often have high workloads that can feel overwhelming. While many care workers would like to have opportunities for career development, these can sometimes feel out of reach, particularly when people feel like they are already doing too much and ‘have enough on their plates’. We present the role of Dementia Champions in homecare as an opportunity for homecare workers who are passionate and knowledgeable about dementia. With a supportive manager and employer, care workers should be encouraged to take on opportunities like the role of a Dementia Champion. Homecare providers are the target audience for this animation. The video is freely accessible and can be used by homecare providers and other organisations to encourage staff to go for opportunities that will elevate their careers, and to highlight the importance of a supportive and involved manager.
Download the infographic at the top of this page (PNG) | Download the infographic for all the Unit's NIHR SSCR-funded work 2019-24 (PDF)
Aims of this study
The overall aim of this study is to define, refine and evolve the role of Dementia Champions in the homecare sector. We have four key objectives:
- To conceptualise what a ‘Dementia Champion’ is and how the role is implemented in practice across health and social care settings
- To identify what components of the DC role already exist in homecare
- To co-produce a model of the DC role within the homecare sector
- To understand how the DC role might be implemented in the homecare sector
- To understand the strengths and limitations of the DC role in the homecare sector
This is a 21-month project from July 2022 – March 2024
NIHR School for Social Care Research
In this four-phase study, we will apply a Theory of Change approach to explore and develop a model identifying the key components of the Dementia Campion role. Combining the findings from a narrative review, job description analysis, and qualitative interviews, we will seek to understand how the Dementia Champion role is implemented and maintained across national and international health and social care settings. Further qualitative interviews will enable us to learn how to translate this model for the homecare sector. A Science Illustrator will visually scribe our public involvement workshop to create an image of the Dementia Champions in Homecare role which will support our data collection and dissemination activities.
Stakeholder and partnership involvement is at the core of this study. With the support of these groups, we will produce findings and key messages for policy and practice, including peer-reviewed papers in high impact journals and reports for SSCR, including an accessible findings document. Our visual outputs will support our impact efforts with wide and varied audiences.
We will maintain close and regular contact with key stakeholder including the Homecare Association, Skills for Care, and the Alzheimer’s Society. We plan to present our findings at the Home Care Research Forum and an NIHR SSCR organised event.